Shocker: What Happens In Your Body When You Eat Processed Foods (Video)

If there was any doubt left in your mind over the health devastating effects of processed foods, this may be the final nail in the coffin. In a video documenting what goes on in your body after consuming processed verse whole foods, small electronic devices reveal just how much your body struggles in digesting and utilizing processed foods laced with damaging ingredients like high-fructose corn syrup (which contains mercury) and aspartame. Oftentimes the truth is quite dirty, and in the case of this video you may want to make sure you’re not eating while watching — especially not processed foods!
The video examines what happens in your body after consuming both processed foods and foods deemed to be wholesome. For processed foods, the subject consumed Gatorade, Top Ramen, and gummi bears, while the participant consuming a hibiscus drink, homemade broth with noodles, and gummi bears created from juice. Created by video producer Stefani Bardin in conjunction with gastroenterologist Dr.
Braden Kuo at Harvard University, the video shows that you cannot even properly digest processed foods. In the case of Gatorade, it has to do with the harsh artificial ingredients that even manage to preserve the blue color for quite some time.
Using a tiny LED camera capsule, the team was able to track the visual progress of food digestion between the two different meal categories.
As you are probably fully aware, the dangers posed by processed ingredients are due to the destructive nature that the ingredients contain. In the case of genetically modified foods, which are now consuming the food supply, it is known that longterm damage can occur to human health — particularly in regards to organ damage.
As video producer Stefani Bardin puts it: Ramen noddles are meant to survive armageddon, whereas homemade noodles are made to be eaten. If you have not yet done so, I encourage you to begin your own organic garden and purchase local, 100% organic produce for you and your family. It is very simple to begin organic gardening, and it can be very therapeutic for your mental health as well.
Very interesting video; I wonder if there's additional research available with more accompanying video analysis.
Read the Gerson Therapy…how food cures even the worst cancer. How our deficient of nutrient bodies and being full of toxins prevents healing…reason people get sick
My daughter ate 'dead food' for years…and we fought and fought…and yet I was forced to let her eat it by psychologists that said 'let her eat what she wants …she is do depressed..she'll become anorexic"…BUT, she was depressed because she was eating DEAD FOOD!! (anything white, processed) Duh! My advice to all parents…and live, least half uncooked vegetables..and you will be awake, healthy, and there will be longevity for you. My daughter took a nutrition course for her nursing program…so I hope she is healthier now. Because I let her eat what she wanted…and do what she wanted..she is not speaking to me now…so ..there's another example of not taking the bull by the horns on this one…best of luck…
Wow, this really explains a lot. I was so sluggish and tired, before I decided to eat more veggies and whole foods, with less meat. I can see now what the problem was, I was forcing my body to try to digest that which was nearly indigestible. I'm telling myself I will never eat Ramen again, but it's pretty tempting stuff. Okay, I Pinkie Pie sware from now on, I will only eat Whole Foods Ramen.
It's no wonder I was so tired, I was spending all my energy just trying to digest junk!
It's amazing how much better I feel since I actively have chosen to eat whole foods. I literally get sick when I eat processed foods now. Went to family for Easter dinner wanted to be polite so I tasted everything, things I myself have made for holiday meals before. That was my ah ha moment. It took several days to feel OK. I'm A believer. Don't take my word for it TRY IT YOU WILL LIKE IT
U cant win sometimes. Kids are tough to deal with and always blame you for their problems