The Rise of ‘Nightmare’ Bacteria: ‘Last Resort’ Antibiotics Useless

Hospitals and nursing homes could be left increasingly exposed to deadly superbugs amid warning signs that bacteria is becoming increasingly resistant to ‘last resort’ antibiotics.
The frightening scenario that ‘nightmare bacteria’ now carry a three-pronged threat to patients has sent a shiver down scientists in labs globally as they struggle to contain the super-resistance of the bugs. Such is there concern that US federal experts have called on the science community and health providers to pull together to unite and stop the spread of the diseases.
“It’s not often that our scientists come to me and say we have a very serious problem and we need to sound an alarm. But that’s exactly what we are doing today,” Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said.
The Washington Post reports him ominously warning: “Our strongest antibiotics don’t work, and patients are left with potentially untreatable infections.”
The bacteria, while not having spread, are becoming more dangerous and pose a real triple threat: they are resistant to all or nearly all antibiotics, including those of last resort; they kill up to half of patients who get bloodstream infections from them, and the bacteria can transfer their antibiotic resistance to other bacteria within the family, potentially making other bacteria untreatable.
Worse, this problem is going on everywhere, with the the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) previously citing the widespread misuse of antibiotics for the global rise of antibiotic resistance.
Such is the complex nature of the bacterium that there is a real threat that superbugs can spread the genes that destroy the ‘last resort’ antibiotics to other bacteria, such as Ecoli, therefore making Ecoli resistant to those same antibiotics.
It is this premise that scientists are increasingly worried that such a bacteria as E. coli – the most common cause of urinary tract infections in healthy people – could carry that Frieden went public. Scientists have seen various bacteria strains, such as Ecoli, increase their resistance between four and seven times in the last decade leaving more patients exposed to the threat.
One form of bacteria from the same family of the Ecoli strain was found to have spread to 42 US states over the last 10 years from a single health facility. And in one US outbreak 12 of 19 patients died at a health facility – seven attributed to an antibiotic-resistant strain of the bacterium Klebsiella pneumonia had immune systems weakened by cancer, genetic disorders, and were given anti rejection drugs after organ transplants.
Despite the best efforts of the clinic’s infection control team to contain the contagion, the outbreak was still prevalent more than a year after as the superbug lingered on hard surfaces and inside patients.
Health officials have advised that the spread of germs can be controlled with proper precautions and better practices such as washing hands and dedicating staff, rooms and equipment to the care of patients, while those hospitalized should persist on doctors and nurses washing their own hands before touching them. Antibiotic resistance is a real issue, and we must stop it.
Only solution is to avoid getting infected but how do you know who has the infection?
Healthy adults and children abusing antibiotics are likely to be colonised. The other place you can get infected is when you visit hospitals and clinics when you have a flu like symptoms. Virus infection often reduce immunity and the chances of getting bacterial infection is high.
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Interesting article, but a good journalist would name hospital names or at a minimum cities where the "nightmare" bacteria has been detected
Super credible story.
Writing style was accurate and concise, and not at all full of ambiguous sentences and obvious errors.
I, for one, am convinced.
Raw Garlic, oil of oregano and Manuka honey are excellent for fighting any bacteria. Chew 1-2 cloves of raw garlic a day./ Put chopped up garlic and 6-10 drops of oil of oregano together in metal or ceramic bowl to hold heat, pour in steaming water, put a towel over your head and gently inhale (gently so as not to burn), release steam from bowl as needed. (Due this two to three times a day or as needed.)/ Manuka honey from New Zealand is another all natural anti-bacterial. Look these things up, they work. Stay healthy.
Yeah, I only found one typo.
There is another product called MMS that will destroy about 95% of pathogens that attack the body.Amazingly it recognizes healthy cells and will not harm them.The product cannot be patented and the pharmaceutical industry hates it.You can find more information at http://genesis2church.org_
Bacteriophages handle antibiotic resistant bugs no problem, and they are harmless to humans, and bacteria type specific, meaning they leave the rest of the bacteria in your body alone.
Well I am surprised nobody commented that Colloidal Silver can be used to clean up that bacteria by washing and cleaning with it ..
But I have cured myself and my family from infections over the years… It will kill MRSA in less than 5 minutes.. It even works synergistically with antibiotics. We drink it (sometimes 8 ounces at a time when necessary) nebulize with it and apply topically with DMSO for skin penetration…
Use a search engine to find the reported wonders by other users, you will be snowed..We are sure of the quality we use and stay in the range of 10 parts per million concentration. University of Utah tested it with many bacteria and it killed all, including MRSA.
Of course MMS, Vitamin A, D, and C in large quantities also boost the immune system..Of course Big Pharma will try to keep the lid on this pot… and FDA plays their game, although Colloidal Silver is approved by FDA as a dietary supplement.
Time to go back to the time tested shiny metal: Silver, colloida silver was prescribed by doctors in the early 1900's. Not only that, it was used by ancient cultures to kill bacteria drawn from water wells, lakes, rivers and ponds. Its no wonder they were able to survive all those nasty critters, but yes, they would put the water in a silver vessal or add silver coins, let it sit and wamo…you would have drinkable water. Silver is a time tested element that has been demonstrated to kill viruses, bacteria and even parasites, and they have not been able to mutate and develop immunity to silver. The key to these ever mutating drug resistant viruses is Silver, but not just any silver, silver atoms are the lethal bullet to the mutants!