Shocking: Replacing 40 Toxic Medications with Life-Saving Cannabis Juice

While FDA-approved prescription drugs kill over one hundred thousand people every year, medical marijuana, or cannabis in this case, has been shown to treat more than 20 different medical conditions.
Take for example this recent finding: the Institute of Molecular Psychiatry at the University of Bonn in Germany just discovered that the activation of the brain’s cannabinoid system triggers the release of antioxidants that act as a cleansing mechanism. This can remove damaged cells form the body and even helps our mitochondria perform at optimum levels. (These are often referred to as the powerhouse of our cells.) The study is published in the Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society, B. It describes how endocannabinoids greatly enhance many functions of the body.
The big one, of course, is that cannabis combats cancer. Numerous studies prove it. Cannabis also builds the immune system (replacing many over the counter cold and flu medications, and can even replace questionable influenza vaccinations). Cannabis along with hemp has over 50,000 uses and could help transform our world.
You don’t have to ‘smoke’ cannabis to get its benefits. In fact, this is the worst way to take in its medicinal value since burning any plant causes oxidation. Juicing it, vaporizing it, or distilling the oils are the best ways to make use of its therapeutic properties. (Distilling is the holy grail. In fact, since it yields more potent oils.)
The cannabinoids are just one helpful aspect of this incredible plant. Its fibers are also incredibly strong, and you can even make biodegradable plastics from the Cannabis Sativa L. plant.
This plant truly can replace hundreds of medications and add incredible value to the planet as a whole. Its time for us all to embrace it.
Any industry that Marijuana can compete with and do better, that industry will not allow it to take hold. Cotton and clothing industry, food industry, fuel industry, and now the chemical drug industry. Marijuana, narcotic or non-narcotic, does not stand a chance against these conglomerates. It was used for the writing of the Declaration of Independence, and early farmers were required by law to set aside a few acres of their land to grow Marijuana.
Marijuana will choke out and weeds, needs hardly any care or water or fertilizer, and can grow anywhere in the US. It is grown in most countries around the world except the US and Canada.
being a survivor of HIV I know the toxic effect of medications I’ve been to 7 trials the last one seemed to work I’ve been undetectable now for 6-7 years. But I do know this if it was not for marijuana I would not have had an appetite sometimes the medication is completely took my appetite away and behind medications 8 in 1 not wanting to eat so the sooner the day pass legislation across the country for legal marijuana to help those like myself they need to recover and become full the participating citizens of this country and this world contributors back to society into the medical community. I do think its time God didn’t just create a plan to be backed with fear and hypocrisy. GiveGodsome creditfor what He has created come on people grow up. And yes I was diagnosed in 1990 this is 2014 it’s time for us the species to grow up.2 years ago in 2011 I was diagnosedand had a lung removed which was probably one of the side effects of the medications in the toxins work accumulated in my system from the trial program.and I mean a child programs for HIV