Raw Milk Farmer Jailed for Removing Gov’t Surveillance Cameras from Own Property

A Canadian farmer that provides raw milk to his community was reportedly arrested and jailed for removing government surveillance cameras from his own property. The Canadian government is filing charges against the man for ‘theft.’
When Michael Schmidt found cameras on his land that had been spying on him and his friends, he simply removed them and contacted the local police department to find out who they might belong to. It was at this time that he was charged with theft after refusing to hand the cameras over to the police.
Only later did Schmidt find out that the cameras, which had no markings or identification, were placed there by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) to keep an eye on Glencolton Farms.
On September 30, 2015 Schmidt was slapped with a summons to appear for fingerprinting and a mug shot. He has been harassed by government food authorities before. He has been producing raw milk for over 21 years for a member’s food club.
Read: Detroit Forces Farmer to Destroy 248 Gallons of Milk, 1200 Free-Range Eggs
In 2004, Schmidt underwent multiple raids. The Ontario government charged him with violating provincial prohibitions on raw milk sale, but later he was acquitted. The government appealed and Schmidt ended up having to sell his farm to the people in his club and could only continue business as a hired ‘manager’ for his own farm.
He is certain that the latest video camera intrusion is a form of revenge. His club members stood their ground and wouldn’t let government officials seize equipment or leave with product when a second raid occurred just weeks later.
Schmidt was released from an overnight stay in jail on October 20, 2015, but he feels the government is using the judicial system to harass a peaceful farmer. The Canadian Constitution Foundation is raising funds to help Schmidt with legal expenses.
Marta Bak, a co-owner of Glencolton Farms said:
“We will continue to peacefully procure the foods of our choice from the farmers of our choice. This food comes from our farm. We are now in the mode of total non-compliance to government harassment. We will peacefully resist in defense of our food–whatever it will take to demonstrate our inherent right to choose the food we wish to consume.”
(The article image is merely a representation of the article subject and does not necessarily connect directly to this occurrence.)
Freedom is becoming more and more rare on Planet Earth. Big government is taking over all countries.
if government says it’s bad for you it probably isn’t, or my favorite “It’s for your safety ” … or “protection” … lol
Although the farmer might be a hero to some in challenging authority, he is actually saving cost of safe process, unfairly competing & putting people at risk. Raw milk contains potentially harmful germs (listed below) that make people
sick & infants, elderly, pregnant women & others with existing
problems are more vulnerable to sickness. In 3 years 2,384 illnesses,
284 hospitalizations, & 2 deaths. At least he has got his wish expressed in the sign above. When we don’t respect the rules that we don’t like, then we can’t expect others to respect the rules we ourselves need. Get these diseases for afters:- Brucella,
Campylobacter, Listeria, Mycobacterium bovis, Salmonella, Shiga
toxin-producing E. coli, Shigella, Streptococcus pyogenes, and Yersinia
Raw milk contains potentially harmful germs, yes… but has much more vitamins and healthy bacteria, as long as time/temperature abuse is avoided it is generaly fine. (Pasteurized milk has much less good stuff than most people think.. almost like drinking water…)
Sovereign people live by Unalienable Rights given to them by their Creator as found in the Declaration of Independence. These Rights can never be taken away. They are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. These people have taken the red pill as shown in the movie the Matrix. They are fully aware, conscious and in control of their destiny. They are sovereign and know it.
Enslaved people live by Inalienable Rights given to them by their despot government as found in the Constitution. These Rights can be repealed, revoked and usurped. They are found in the first ten Amendments under the Bill of Rights. These people have taken the blue pill. They believe they are free as they seek a birth certificate, social security privileges, driver’s, business and marriage licenses, welfare and more. They do NOT realize they have consented to waiving their Rights for privileges. They drive vehicles when they could have traveled in their property. They do NOT know that a driver’s license is only mandatory if you use the public highways for profit or gain in a regulated commercial enterprise.
A vehicle must be registered with the State. This converts their property into a rental for without a registration tag on your vehicle, the state will tow their car away. They buy homes and rent them from the county through property taxes. They acquire permits (permission) from their public servants relinquishing their sovereignty. This farmer has forfeited his Rights for privileges and is now suffering the consequences of his actions. It’s time will all take the red pill.
Dr. James Chappell,
Peaceful resistance is getting old. If they violently attack over raw milk, violently resist. They will start to think twice about their precious government job, going around pointing guns at people over milk and plants.