1. blank IM Sayldog says:

    “In 2007, under the Obama administration…”
    Anybody see a problem with that?

  2. The article on eco friendly light bulbs has some good information but shows why people should stay in their fields. The premise is based on led flicker whose cause is the underlying AC power. The professor would be more accurate if he conducted a study in both 50 and 60 hz (Europe / US) to see if there are more pronounced effects in one or the other.
    At the end of the article, it mentions a more expensive DC option. It is clear the author has zero experience or facts in which to base his opinion. It is also patently wrong.

  3. blank Kathryn9 Leffler says:

    Well then why doesn’t watching LED T.V. ( or any t.v. really) cause headaches?!

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