Procter & Gamble, Largest Personal Care Company, Won’t Remove Cancer-Causing Ingredients from Products

Procter & Gamble – the company that makes everything from Luvs diapers to Tide, Bounty paper towels, and Nyquil, and also the biggest personal care product distributor in the U.S. – is attempting to ride the wave of breast cancer awareness as a way to tout its ‘interest in women’s health.’ But what everyone should know is that this company doesn’t care about your health; in fact, the company’s products are loaded with carcinogenic ingredients known to cause cancer.
From baby care, to feminine care, personal care products and home care – P&G is infecting your household with carcinogenic ingredients, and though they have been asked repeatedly by consumer activist groups to remove these toxins from its products, the company won’t listen.
While it’s true that P&G has removed some of the toxic ingredients in its products, there is a long way to go. Janet Nudelman, program director at the Breast Cancer Fund and co-founder of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics once congratulated the company for taking at least a baby step in the right direction:
“The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics congratulates P&G for taking bold and globally-significant action to protect the health of its 4.8 billion consumers by eliminating two dangerous toxic chemicals—triclosan and DEP—from all its products.”
It’s a step in the right direction to remove a couple toxic ingredients, but I’m not sure a huge congratulations is in order. Still, major P&G brands such as Tide, Pantene, Herbal Essence, and CoverGirl are packed with carcinogens and sold to customers without so much as a warning on the label.
Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), recognized as a carcinogen by the state of California and the Environmental Working Group, is just one chemical lurking in P&G’s products. The U.S. National Institutes of Health reports that BHA is “reasonably anticipated” to be a human carcinogen. The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics has found more than 65 carcinogenic chemicals in P&G’s lotions, shampoos, hair dyes, and cosmetics – many of them completely banned in other countries.
P&G’s $100,000 donation to ‘fight breast cancer’ is nothing more than a marketing gimmick to keep you thinking that the company actually cares about your health. This is a multi-billion dollar company. That would be like you or I giving a penny to defeat a major disease.
P&G’s ‘product safety’ page on their website has a big bold blue statement – A FOUNDATION OF INTEGRITY. If only that were true.
If you want to voice your displeasure with this corporate behemoth that is poisoning you and your family while pretending to support the eradication of cancer, you can sign a petition here.
Will not buy, hope everyone stops buying the products from this company. This needs to go viral. If everyone stops buying they will close their doors or reformulate their product to be healthy.
If the consumer would just figure that out on their own, that if they
stop buying the “bad” stuff the company manufacturing it will make it
good or go out of business. In the case of P&G, they probably will
never go out of business but they’re be shy a few dollars for a time!
When I read articles like this, I try to share it with people I know and for
the most part they just kind of shrug their shoulders and keep on
living like they are. I don’t k know how to impress upon people that
actually “we” have the power . . . all we need to do is stop buying. Buy
only needful and healthy things, make what you can, grow what you can,
etc. It’s pretty simple really!
i totally agree with you but unfortuantely ppl like u and I are more bovved. Others dont give a damn …so it affects the planet the climate the anijmals.
Never touch Proctor and Gamble. It is almost impossible to get other people to realize what garbage they are selling.
problem is they own everything. A lot of cosmetics made by them. L’oreal, OLay lots of stuff. its a nightmare whats going on in this world now. Killing all the beess with psticide dont help cos MANis too lazy to go out and do because ot all mass produced . SUPPLY and DEEMAND> the world overpopulated and too GREEDY is what it all comes down to.. Im so upset for the poor animals. I dont are about ppl only animals.
why are u advertising this?