1. This is good news for Polish people, power to you and your farmers you don't need GMO, you had a lot better and healthier products before this was introduced. I wish USA would do that too, but too bad Monsanto has too many senators in it's pocket so it will never end.

    1. blank beekeeper says:

      It will end if you people end them…these beekeepers came from all around the country. They stood in solidarity for what they thing was important. 2 years ego Poland say NO to swine flu vaccine, 5 month ego to ACTA and now to Monsanto. In solidarity you can change a LOT and in no time…

      1. America fluoridates. Now too stupid to know wrong from right.

  2. Great news, and congratulations to the people of Poland for their opposing Monsanto andf its GMO. I live in London but enjoy very much Polish food, as Tom D says, you had better food before GMO. I am also against Monsanto for the crime it did on the people of Vietnam with its Agent Orange.

    Readers can see what it did by going to: http://www.aoag.org

  3. Good and smart move.When this is going on the USA wil be the only country suporting Monsanto.But be prepared that many countries wil sue the USA pro Monsanto politics and there owners. There is already so much harm done.Some day they wil come and ask questions and compancation. Monsanto is an criminal organisation and there crimes are against humanity.

    1. It goes way beyond 'crimes against humanity', I havent come up with a term to cover it yet that doesnt sound corny ,,'crimes against all life and lifeforms' maybe?

      Go Poland !!!

    2. what's sad is…monsanto's not worried about all these little european countries banning them…they have the good ol' US GOV. to back them.

  4. People all around the world are awakening to the truth and taking proactive action. I'm so glad to see Poland banning GMOs. Polish food is real, and is so tasty, and GMOs don't belong in Poland. In California we will have a ballot initiative in November that will require GMO foods to be labeled. It's a beginning…

  5. There is a connection that we all had better be looking at with what GMO's are doing. It is said that the GMO are messing with the bees, only time will tell how our society will be reacting to this engineered way of farming. How GMO was ever allowed to be approved without major studies is one of the most concerning issues of our times.

    1. blank Petunia Skrebble says:

      The "How" was the fact that Monsanto employees were working the revolving door of the FDA and Monsanto. Working for both places.

      Such practices were banned in the past and "conflict of Interest laws" were criminal. You went to jail if you worked for the FDA and loosened the requirements for safety on products for the company you "used" to work for.

  6. Nice to see people/countries standing up for food saftey.

    Wish we could say the same in the states.

    In US big AG, big money has a stranglehold on agriculture-and the public is blissfully unaware, just the way big AG likes it.

    I wonder how many people know how much of their food is grown in human feces.


    1. blank Petunia Skrebble says:

      That used to be the case in Mexico and that is why you could not eat the veggies when you traveled there. I don't know if it still is, but I do not buy any veggies from Mexico for that very reason.

  7. blank Dr. Roberts says:

    Looks like you are not aware of the research.

    GMO crops are not banned internationally, also the bee collapse is but one of the potential links. There have been a number of links to human health consequences.

  8. Dear Tom D., Monsanto may have senators in it's pockets for now, but the real power is in the hands of people and when that sleeping bear will wake up, then it will end…

    and there is no amount of money in these world that will save them or the place they can hide…..

  9. Yay! So proud to be from Poland!!!

    1. blank Antimon Santo says:

      Hopefully this will happen in Czech Rep. soon, too.

  10. blank Petunia Skrebble says:

    Kevin, very interesting. First, your question. about bees; Just because the products were first banned, does not mean the previous use before banning does not still impact the environment. I am a bit surprised you did not know that.

    Next, you make some very interesting assertions about GMO in its favor… so could you seriously provide links? I would love to read further. Have a pesticide marker in your food, that does not harm you, but pesticides sprayed on the ground does, really needs a link since it does not make any sense at all.

    Pesticides are pesticides and if they are in the seed itself and thus in the food in its celullar structure, then it has no choice but to affect your organs. So please, provide links as to your statements. Thanks

  11. What amazes me is the fact that so many people are apparently against the evil Monsanto company, yet nothing is being done….In the US I mean. I personally think Monsanto has a committee seat in hell, lol. I'm wondering how long it will that 'the people' to ramrod this company back where it came from. GMO's are killing everything….and everyone….

  12. blank Anonymous says:

    Frankstein ty foods coming alive before our eyes doing harm at its worst, st the cost of yours and our Health. Shame on the Government, Monsanto and ALL their backers. So what are we to do? healthytobewealthy@yahoo.com Thanks, Van

  13. blank Anonymous says:

    Frankstein foods coming alive before our eyes doing harm at its worst, at the cost of yours and our Health. Shame on the Government, Monsanto and ALL their backers. So what are we to do? healthytobewealthy@yahoo.com Thanks, Van

  14. Whole Raw Live Foods. NON-GMOed. Please do take a look and do your homework.
    It is Very Good to know there is one Company doing its part. Phoenix, AZ US Based. With the TOXIC FREE FOUNDATION endorsement. All the Products are 100% Certified Organic through the many entities. Please take a look and purchase, youus NOW! Thanks, Van

  15. blank Michael Wilk says:

    The past tense of "lead" is "led". France led the charge.

  16. "In addition to being linked to a plethora health ailments"

    Please provide a link to peer-reviewed scientific data showing such a link.

  17. blank Acmedesign.Co says:

    I do as well, but most of the time all of us just go about our enterprise oblivious to what is going on around us.

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