1. blank Skeptologist says:

    Despite what some may say, genetically modified foods have not yet been proven safe.

    Despite what some may say, genetically modified foods have been shown to be as safe as their non-GM counter parts.

    An overview of the last 10 years of genetically engineered crop safety research


    As the World Health Organization, and over 300,000 doctors and health professionals from Argentina have recently explained, glyphosate resides are showing up at all levels of our food chain.

    Christina Sarich still fails to understand the difference between a chemical herbicide and a plant apparently.

    Chipotle who have seen a surge in stock prices for using organic produce

    That’s a lie. It’s called Google Christina. Try it. You might finally learn something.


    Chipotle looks like it’s at a 3 month low.

    1. Monsanto’s pathogenic Roundup-ready GMO crops are made to withstand and ABSORB repeated sprayings with Roundup. Whoever eats the plant eats the poison.

      1. blank Skeptologist says:

        That’s not what pathogenic means. But I agree that herbicide residues are a concern.

        However, nothing you said is related to my comment above.

        1. “Pathogenic” means “causing or capable of causing disease.” GMO diets have been proved to cause disease. I.e., GMOs have not been proved “safe,” The lie of ‘substantial equivalence’ to real food was put in place by revolving Monsanto/FDA employee Michael Taylor, a corporatist-fascist shill. GMO so-called crops have more than just surface Roundup “residue.” They absorb the poison. Again, whoever eats the plant eats the poison. Monsanto’s CEO, Hugh Grant, should be tried for corruption, murder, and crimes against humanity. He KNOWS that his pathogenic GMOs cause illness and death.

          1. blank Skeptologist says:

            GMO diets have been proved to cause disease.

            Reference? What peer-reviewed study or studies have demonstrated this? Give me an example. If you can’t, then this is nothing more than an unsubstantiated claim.

          2. Ah, the typical industry shill – wanting someone else to do the work he’s too lazy to do. Wanting to assert ‘dominance’ by getting someone to obey him in something, anything, anything at all. Too bad. You don’t have a victim here. Being the wonderful person that I am, I’ll educate and instruct you. Use a search engine. Let us know how it works out. Then go back to your masters and tell them that their propaganda isn’t working. Lol.

          3. blank Skeptologist says:

            You really like red herrings, don’t you?

          4. I just don’t like industry shills. Chuckle.

  2. Oh man, you’re still here insulting the messenger, at the same time you didn’t like someone insulting you? You have never show anyone a respect. You are a hypocrite. Grow up!

    1. : ) In fact, 😀

  3. Complaint to Natural Society: Although the article per se is appropriately titled, the email subject line for this article and the others was not. It siad “This company to remove….” instead of “Panera to remove..,” DO NOT INSULT YOUR READERS. You know you have a willing and eager audience. We are not children who must be lured, teased, coaxed, cajoled, and tricked into doing “what’s good for you.” My time is limited and valuable. I get health, environment, energy, and legislation newsletters from many sources, and many of the newsletters contain action alerts. Hence, I want to know immediately what the email contains so that I don’t waste time. I quit taking Dr. Mercola’s newsletter, e.g., because the email subject lines were always teasers and the articles took too long to get to the point. That’s a shame, as the information was good – just as Natural Society’s information is good and valuable. Please treat your readers as adults so that we can make use of our limited time on earth to do some good for ourselves and our fellow citizens. Thank you.

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