Chart Reveals Organic Food Companies Often Owned by Mega Corporations

It may be shocking to you, but a large number of organic food companies are actually owned by mega corporations such as Pepsi and Kraft. These companies carelessly implant genetically modified ingredients into their food products and are environmentally destructive, but their organic food subsidiary companies are often toted as environmentally safe and health conscious. One such example is the Honest Tea company, which is actually owned by the Coca-Cola company. Perhaps it’s time to see if your favorite organic food company is actually owned by one of these mega companies.
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That explains why many organic labels such as Kashi (now owned by Kellogg) went from Organic to "100% Natural", which, we know, is NOT the same thing! I have been an organic gardener for over 30 years, growing heirloom vegetables. This year, when I got my Seeds of Change catalogue, I was dismayed at the lack of heirloom organic seeds offered this year, and, now I know why! Each year it seemed that the choices got smaller and smaller.
My advice for new gardeners who want to grow heirloom vegetables is to check out and participate in local seed exchanges. Two of the benefits of using locally grown seeds is that the seeds are from plants that are already acclamated to your specific climate and are proven to be good producers.
monsanto ville here we come!
Some of these are probably outdated, such as Heinz no longer owns Hain stocks, but I think we still get the idea 🙁
Would it be possible to get an update? I know Horizon and Silk just recently departed from Dean Foods as well. Great chart overall….sadden to see some of the brands we love are on this list.