Nutrition and Diet: Food Ingredients, Labels, and More
Welcome to our nutrition and diet page, where you can learn about what you’re really eating. If you’re seeking guidance on meal planning, exploring dietary trends, or aiming to learn about nutrients in food so that you can make informed food choices, you are in the right place. We are always improving this page – so be sure to check back often.
80% of Americans Exposed to Fertility-Ruining Pesticides in Oat-Based Foods
A concerning discovery has been made regarding the presence of a chemical pesticide, chlormequat, in oat-based foods available in the U.S.
FDA: Children’s Applesauce PURPOSELY Contaminated with Heavy Metals
The FDA believes certain brands of children’s applesauce have been intentionally contaminated with heavy metals lead chromate.
Virus-Resistant GMO Pork Inches Closer to Human Consumption Amidst Consumer Uncertainty
Virus-resistant pork from genetically modified pigs could soon be served as your next meal. Are you ready for GMO bacon?
Zinc “Crucial” for Improving Blood Sugar Regulation for Diabetics
Good news for diabetics. A meta analysis suggests zinc supplementation plays a crucial role in enhancing blood sugar control.
New Study: Goats Who Eat Monsanto GM Soy Produce Abnormal Milk
Monsanto likes to say that its GMOs are similar to non-GMOs, but a new study proves that GM-fed goat milk is completely ABNORMAL. Is human milk next?
Another Win! Kellogg’s and Mars to Label GMOs Nationwide
To comply with Vermont’s GMO labeling initiative, Kellogg’s and Mars have announced that they will be labeling their products if they contain genetically modified ingredients.
Target to Remove GMOs from Major Food Brand
Target’s Simply Balanced brand will be on shelves soon and will phase out genetically modified ingredients by the end of 2014.
Herbalism, Not Big Pharma, is Oldest and Most Effective Medicine
Big pharma is not the answer to eradicating illness and disease. Herbal medicine has been used for thousands of years to naturally treat and heal.
The Many Benefits of the Immune-Boosting Root Astragalus
Astragalus root has long been used by Traditional Chinese Medicine as an overall body tonic. The root can aid in heart disease, detoxifying, and much more.
Why We Eat When We’re Not Hungry
Have you ever wondered why despite feeling full, you continue to reach for the carton of ice cream? The answer may be tied to your emotional state. Oftentimes anxiety, anger,…