1. I think that we need to constantly emphasize the utter uselessness of these chemical solutions. This has been known for more than 100 years since Dr. Julius Hensel proved that by using crushed granite on the soil, you could provide plants with full spectrum nutrients that would slowly be taken into the soil enabling the plants to receive all the vitamins and nutrients that it needs to be able to effectively resist disease or insects. Further proof of how plants are resistant to disease when they have all the vitamins and nutrients that it needs is provided by the work of Dr. Maynard Murray who achieved the same full nutrient spectrum effect using sea solids. That’s the message that needs to be drummed into the heads of farmers world wide.

    1. blank Patrick Grimes says:

      I hear you JayTe, I have read and reread Julius Hensel’s “Bread From Stones” and I have read Dr. Maynard Murray’s book as well. If only farmers would follow the advice and practices of men like these and other greats like Louis Bromfield, J Russell Smith and Joel Salatin. Unfortunately, the majority of mankind always follows the destructive advice of slick talking false prophets.

  2. blank roundthings says:

    Obama-the most anti consumer President in history. A complete corporate sock puppet

  3. blank Cindy Koch says:

    I just started a petition on moveon.org to the DOJ to investigate the biotech industries. Pls. sign and share. “We the people” have to stop this atrocity on our lives! Thanks….

  4. This has got to be STOPPED, but how??
    We need some ideas.
    When petitioning doesn’t work, what is next?

  5. Correction: NO… “WE” (the awake & aware ones on Mother Earth) do
    NOT approve the use of these toxins and never have! Such devious
    genocidal actions are done by the Archon virus working through their
    shill in Governments, etc (soul-less ones, clones, hybrids etc). So
    PLEASE…this is NOT the time to be either politically or grammatically
    correct in your articles and using the ‘we’ reference any longer; this
    is exactly what the Dark ones want you to do! Call them out and expose
    them for the psychopaths that they are so that the non-sheeples in the
    world can unite and finally get rid of them!

  6. Don’t just throw out the bad food you have, RETURN IT FOR A REFUND! Hurt their pockets more and make a point at your store!

  7. blank Kathy M Crose says:

    This is so ludicrous. Have they not learned from the 60s and 70s when they used caustic pesticides. This has got to stop because most of these pesticides were in Agent Orange and destroyed everything. Do not allow them to use it, speak out and let our government our health will not be bought out by big business and crooked FDA/EPA big wigs who care nothing for those who vote their Senators, Congress and House Representatives. Call your representatives and let them know that this will not happen.

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