1. Getting better. Before penicillin. A happy time. For anyone knowing how to heal. The misery of seeing sick and dying must have been the fundamental reason of religion. After. The decline in religion started strait away. A mayor reason was antibiotic. Connected was the increase in life expediency. A major headache for governments. The pharmaceutical industry, booming all the way with research success, became stale. Drugs, Valium, came to the rescue. Making, up to today, millions depended, again. Call it happy times. This article is leading a way to good old times. Religion will be resurrected. By denouncing anti. Not good for you.

  2. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928. The first successful treatment of a bacterial infection with penicillin occurred in 1930. Until 1942 there wasn’t enough penicillin being manufactured for it to be used on a widespread basis. The 1940s were when techniques were developed to scale up production of penicillin for it to be made generally available to doctors.

  3. blank FloxieHope says:

    This is a very interesting article and I thank you for it! Antibiotics are not near as benign as people have been led to believe. If you think that penicillin is toxic, just take a look at what fluoroquinolones do to cells. After all, they are topoisomerase interrupters and chemo drugs. They work by disrupting the DNA and RNA replication process of bacteria – and mitochondria.

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