Mother Arrested and Jailed for Failure to Circumcise 4-Year Old Son

A Florida mother was recently arrested, jailed, and released after spending more than a week behind bars during an ongoing dispute over circumcising her son.
“Heather Hironimus, 31, posted bond and was released Saturday night, authorities said.
Hironimus had been taken into custody May 14 after she went missing for several months with her 4-year-old son, allegedly to avoid a court order to circumcise him, according to court records. She was taken to jail on charges including interference with custody, according to the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s office.” [1]
Let’s face it, the medical headlines can’t get any more scary than this one about the jailed Florida mom. When a county judge imprisons a mother,who is only looking to protect her son from male genital mutilation, something is very wrong. The mother, having no recourse, was forced to obey the court if she was to be released form the county jail.
It looks like the medical mafia had a lot to do with this frightening judicial decision process. How else do hospitals all over America get away with performing male genital mutilation, also known as circumcision, on virtually every newborn male. This blind compliance with an antiquated and barbaric ‘biblical’ mandate simply makes no sense, not that it ever did.
For those who are unaware of how profoundly circumcision mutilates the male genital organ, the following excerpt clearly delineates the damage that is done.
Related: New Bill Requires Mandatory Vaccines for All Children
Circumcision Removes More than Just Skin
When an infant’s penis is circumcised, this is what is forever lost:• 50 to 80% of the total penile skin system, radically immobilizing the remaining shaft skin. If unfolded and spread out flat, the average adult foreskin measures 15 to 20 square inches, about the size of a postcard.
- Most of the erogenous nerve tissue on the penis. The foreskin contains between 10,000 and 20,000 specialized erotogenic nerve endings of various types, which can discern slight motion, subtle changes in temperature, and fine gradations in texture. The amputation of this highly-innervated tissue reduces the sensitivity of the penis to that of ordinary skin.
- The densely innervated Ridged Bands, a specialized, extremely erogenous section of the prepuce located at the juncture of the outer foreskin and inner mucosal tissue.
- Approximately half of the smooth muscle sheath called the Dartos fascia.
- Thousands of coiled, fine-touch receptor cells, including Meissner’s Corpuscles.
- An estimated 240 feet of microscopic nerves, including branches of the dorsal nerve.
- Several feet of blood vessels, including the frenular artery and portions of the dorsal artery, the loss of which interrupts normal blood flow to the shaft and glans of the penis, severely damaging its natural function.
- Lymphatic vessels, the loss of which interrupts the lymph flow within the body’s immune system.
- The entire immunological defense system of the soft mucosa which produces antibacterial and antiviral proteins such as lysozyme, the same as found in mother’s milk, and plasma cells which secrete immunoglobulin antibodies.
- Ectopic sebaceous glands, which lubricate, moisturize, and regulate a healthy pH balance, thereby maintaining the erotogenic sensitivity of the glans.
- The apocrine glands, which produce pheromones, nature’s powerful, silent, invisible sexual signals/stimulants.
- Specialized epithelial Langerhans cells, an immune system component.
- Estrogen receptors – the purpose and value of which are not yet fully understood.
- The connective synechiae, which fuses the foreskin to the glans while the penis develops during infancy. It is destroyed when the foreskin is torn from the glans during the circumcision operation.
- The frenulum, the sensitive ‘V’-shaped tethering structure at the base of the glans on the underside of the penis, is also usually amputated, severed, or destroyed.
- The protective covering of the glans, which is actually an internal organ. The foreskin shields the glans from abrasion, drying, and callusing, and protects the glans from dirt and other contaminants.
- Loss of sexual sensitivity in the glans. The glans of an intact penis is normally a soft, moist, delicate organ, similar in texture to the smooth skin lining the inside of the lips of your mouth. When the foreskin is amputated it no longer provides protection to the glans against abrasion, or even exposure to the air. This causes the glans to dry out – imagine what would happen to your eyeballs if your eyelids were removed. It also causes the skin on the glans to thicken and harden as a protection against abrasion. This ‘callousing’ effect – known as keratinization – causes any remaining nerves on the glans to become buried under many layers of skin cells, severly reducing the sensitivity of the glans to external stimulation – such as a soft touch. The sensitivity continues to decrease over time, until eventually all sensitivity is lost.
- 10% to 20% of the penis’s circumference, because its double-layered wrapping of loose foreskin is now missing, making the circumcised penis thinner.
- As much as one inch of the erect penis’s length due to scarring, and shrinkage from loss of the mobile, richly-vascularized foreskin.
- The gliding action of the penis within its foreskin. The foreskin’s abundance (15-20 of specialized, self-lubricating skin gives the natural penis its anatomically unique ability to smoothly slide back and forth within itself, thereby permitting non-abrasive intercourse, without drying out the vagina.
- The deep pink to red to dark purple natural coloration of the glans.
- There is considerable evidence that a circumcised penis loses its capacity for subtle electromagnetic communication that occurs only during contact between mucous membranes, an interaction which contributes to the sense of the healing power of sexual ecstasy. In other words, circumcision forever diminishes the intensity of both the male and female orgasm and its physical, psychological, and spiritual benefits.
- Many babies die as a result of circumcision, a fact the circumcision industry obscures and conceals.” [2]
Should anyone still be unconvinced of the potential physical injury and emotional harm that circumcision inflicts, I would suggest that they witness a live circumcision of a newborn male. Undoubtedly, they will never want to watch another one and would certainly never submit their child to such a cruel and unnecessary surgical procedure.
The actions taken toward this defenseless mother constitute substantive legal grounds for both criminal and civil actions. Everyone involved with this grotesque injustice ought to be held responsible for endangering the welfare of a powerless 4-year old boy. As far as some are concerned, the official government conduct may even rise to the level criminality and ought to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Circumcision represents a serious assault against the personal sovereignty of every male baby in this nation. If permitted to continue unabated, the entire male population will have been subjected to a babyhood brutality that no civil society ought to ever acquiesce to.
[1] ABC News
[2]Â The Health Coach
How does the US still allow mutilation of someone else’s body without their consent? Allowing our country to be taken over by commercial laws that can force this upon it’s citizens is insane.
Yet we are not shocked that they allow someone else’s body to be mutilated within and sometimes pulled out piece by mutilated piece…ironic…we vote for it
Unless the parents allows it, right?
The relentless troll appears.
If I remember correctly, this was part of a custody issue. Dad wanted the child to have the circumcision and mom did not. Yes, parents have the right to refuse circumcision. It is done all the time. In this case, dad is pushing the issue and mom is refusing to allow to have it done. Now the child is four and this has already been through the courts and mom was ordered to allow the child to have this elective surgery. Now it is going to require general anesthesia and a prolonged recovery. This is really about power and control and who calls the shots. Daddy.
Because daddy is himself a victim of infant genital mutilation (as is the judge in the first hearing, don’t know about the last one). Such is the psychological damage of this barbaric tradition, victims are compelled to pass the injury on, rather than acknowledge that what was done to them was not ‘normal’ but a perverted cult rite.
Needs to stop. A man, as an adult, can make the circumcision decision…if he wants to.
The wrong in this story is not the nature of the circumcision. The horror is a state that claims ownership of children. THAT is what parents should be horrified of. If the bad parts of circumcision are made the primary point, it leaves judges still free to steal children for whatever future populations feel is barbaric. Will it be vaccines? Will it be raising a child to have faith in God? Homeschooling? Spanking? A negative social environment? Teaching the child anything that the state does not then agree on?
What he said.
My wife made the decision to circumcise our son (not blaming her, the hospital pushed it on her when I wasn’t there). After reading about it a few years later I was horrified by what I allowed to happen. I was on the fence at the time but failed to stand up and protect my son. I am ashamed of this and allowing vaccinations, just wish I was a better parent at the time and did more research (as I do now). After learning more about this type of mutilation I really have no idea how the medical community can continue it. Guess our health is not their main concern, is it?
Don’t feel too bad because most people have no idea what it involves unless they witness it firsthand. The nurse brings the parent a form to sign and in all the excitement of the new baby most parents consent because it’s presented as a good thing that you are doing for your baby boy. I am like you now and do my research! I feel good that I talked my daughter out of letting my 12 year old grandson’s pediatrician give him the Gardasil vaccine. There was not much access to the internet back when I had my kids.
Lew Rockwell posted this article. The libertarian who wants such freedom except when he doesn’t like something.
What could be more libertarian than letting males decide for themselves whether they want the most sensitive erogenous tissue on their body to be amputated?
I’m getting my son circumcised next week.
Have fun, pervert.
I wish there were more nurses like you! I worked with many different nurses as a nursing assistant years ago and the good ones don’t just blindly follow orders.
Mine’s was done beautifully.A very fine specimen indeed.Still going strong at 60yrs w/o any drugs.
I imagine that if done incorrectly, it will cause problems.There is a right way and a wrong way.
To each his own.Definitely looks like a champion besides the uncircumcised wieners and for sure a lot healthier and easier to clean.Fires on cue too 🙂
‘To each his own’. Exactly. Were you given any choice in the matter?
No choice…just like my parents and place of birth.
None of the ill effects mentioned in the article.
Look up, “global survey of circumcision harm.”
Circumcision is the removal of excessive foreskin.Mine’s was obviously properly done.A work of art indeed.It”s a lot easier to keep clean and I have never had any issues.Obviously, like any procedure, there are opportunities for botching the job.I can only speak for myself and from personal experience.The key benefit is cleanliness for the males.There is no religious recommendation for female circumcision…that is indeed mutilation….a most horrid practice of the ignorant.
I saw on Discovery Channel one of the richest woman in the USA. Long history short. He company uses the skin from penis to create others cells. Its the only raw material.
Conveniently left out of the story is that the father has custody, and he
wants the circumcision, so the judge ruled in his favor. If the mother
had custody the judge probably would have ruled in her favor. It was a custody issue, not a government vs parent issue.
I pray the Father watches this terrifying procedure. The mother was right to take him and run.
I read this and there are no words for the guilt I still feel for having my 6 week old baby circumcised. In the hospital the Dr couldn’t do it because the foreskin was too tight. Look back at the picture of it being done to this sweet baby. My mother and I went to the Dr office where the strapped down his tiny legs and both arms stretched out so he couldn’t move. My mom and I watched and listened in Terror. I had to leave and go outside. I could hear his screaming with no breaks in his screaming, I ran in and ran out. This lasted for 45 minutes, Yes 45 min because the foreskin was too tight still, which I knew. He didn’t drink or eat for almost 2 days, then only pediolite juice. On the 4th day, early morning, he finally bottle drank similac food. I knew when he peed because he would scream. The penis didn’t look right because they couldn’t get all the foreskin off. I heard it hurts more as an adult having it done, but I wasn’t an almighty God like Dr. I wish I had someone to give me a choice in 1983 and in detail. Every parent needs to watch their boy get this done. Then come back here and tell us how you and your baby handled it. This also reminds me of millions of little girls being cercomsized (Clitoris removal)…. So so sick!