Roundup, Glyphosate Herbicide is Killing Human Kidney Cells

A study diving into the effects of Bt biopesticide CryA1b and the herbicide ingredient glyphosate (found in Monsanto’s Roundup), found unquestionable signs of toxicity to human kidney cells. This was true even at small doses.
Bt biopesticide CryA1b and the glyphosate herbicide are both integral to a large percentage of GM crop cultivation – which largely require massive pesticide use.
Bt Toxin, Glyphosate and their Roles in GM Crops
Bt toxin is derived from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis. This bacterium produces a protein that is toxic to certain pests, making it a valuable tool in the creation of pest-resistant crops. When these crops are consumed by pests, the Bt protein acts as a biopesticide, killing the pests and protecting the crop. This mechanism has led to the widespread cultivation of Bt crops, which currently constitute 39% of global GM crop cultivation.
Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, is used extensively with GM crops that are engineered to be “Roundup Ready,” meaning they can withstand applications of the herbicide while the surrounding weeds die off.
The combination of Bt toxin and glyphosate in our food chain raises questions about the long-term health implications for consumers.
The Study and Its Findings
The study results were alarming. Even at low doses, these chemicals exhibited toxicity to human kidney cells. This is particularly concerning given that the kidney plays a pivotal role in filtering toxins from the body.
At only 100 parts per million (ppm), Monsanto’s biopesticide lead to cell death. Furthermore, they found that Roundup at 57.2ppm  killed half of the cell population – 200 times below agricultural use.  This is concerning as researchers have previously detected Roundup in 41% of the 140 groundwater samples taken from Catalonia Spain that were actually above the limit of quantification. Even in very small doses, the research indicates that Roundup appears to be assaulting your biology.
The study was spearheaded by Gilles-Eric Séralini at the University of Caen, France
Even Without Roundup, GMOs may Still Cause Liver & Kidney Toxicity
In an interview, Séralini explained that GM corn is made with some interesting ‘side effects’ for human beings that have nothing to do with crops being sprayed with toxic Roundup chemicals.
GMO corn is produced with an enzyme within it which makes it tolerant to Roundup, and this enzyme indirectly decreases the levels of important amino acids that the liver and kidneys need for proper functioning.
“…The enzyme that is overproduced in the GMO to make it tolerate Roundup began indirectly to decrease the levels of amino acids essential for protection of the liver and kidney.”
Other Ill Effects of these Modern Farming Practices
The findings add to the long list of hazardous effects presented by Monsanto’s genetically modified creations.
Previously, Séralini and a group of other scientists found that Roundup is linked to infertility, killing testicular cells in rats. The report stated that within 1 to 48 hours of exposure, testicular cells of the mature rats were either damaged or killed.
It has also been divulged that Roundup is damaging other life outside of humans, shown to decrease the population of monarch butterflies by killing the very plants that the butterflies rely on for habitat and food.Â
A 2011 study published in the journal Insect Conservation and Diversity found that increasing usage of genetically modified Roundup Ready corn and soybeans is significantly contributing to the decline in monarch butterfly populations within North America due to the destruction of milkweed.
The evidence that Monsanto’s biopesticide and Roundup alike are disrupting both nature and human safety is clear, yet little is being done about it.
In the realm of agriculture, genetically modified crops have been hailed as the future of food production. These crops, designed to resist pests and increase yield, have been adopted by many countries as a solution to food security challenges. However, as with all innovations, there are potential risks involved.
Just a note of clarification. Bt (Bacillus Thuringiensis) is a naturally occuring soil virus that has been used as an insecticide by organic food growers for years. I have some in the basement. It lands on soft bodied larvae and infects them, then washes off the plant back into the soil. It is not the problem. The problem is plants that have a gene spliced into them so they produce the same toxin as the bacteria. That is where a dangerous concentration of the toxin can enter the human food chain. It may sound pedantic but it is important to distinguish the facts here. When hurling stones at Goliath, they must be accurately aimed.
Thank you for the clarification. I agree that it is important to have the facts accurate. There is so much being published right now about the Monsanto's global lack of conscience that it's important that we all really understand what is true and what is hype.
Monsanto does need to be stopped but the only way to do that is by becoming active in some organization that is making a difference and using information that is factually based
Bt is NOT a virus. It is Bacillus thuringia, a bacteria that produces toxins, as you said. Organic farmers have been using Bt for 50 years. The same toxin INSIDE a plant damages good insects, while harmful ones have developed resistance. Also there is the danger to humans and livestock. Too many farmers believe Roundup Ready is NOT GMO, and they use it to "avoid having to use GMO like Bt corn". We need to educate FARMERS, as when they find out, some of them will stop using the RR corn.
I beg to differ William, if the Bt you have in your basement is over 20 years old then yes it may not be as toxic but todays varieties have been genetically modified to increase the protein toxin production by more than 50% and also increase the antibiotic resistance of the spore, you can look up the patent data on Bt modification to verify that. You will also find that it has been modified with the genes from other organisms such as anthrax, Staph aureus, hepatitis, meningitis, e-coli, cereus to name a few, so it is far from being the good old natural Bt, and since the modified versions have been spread into the wild for years there is most likely very little original Bt left on the planet.
How horrible is Monsanto?
It isa only possible to get people to believe toatal BS, when they are scientifically ignorant to begin with…
See 2 articles about pesticides that lower IQ in Fetuses ( since 1950 ! ) and about Mixing pesticides and how That affects the body .
See also Lectins ( blood-type diet ) articles from PubMed and more . Everything there I applyed !
Check the link to The Recipe too .
Cheers !
How to destroy Monsanto?!!! — Inform the world.
Thanks for this web.
One thing I know to do is inform everyone you know. Bring up the subject, get a list os Monsanto products so that we don't use them or contribute to their killing us.
I love your quote. And I am doing just that! A rally and a hearing in Vermont tomorrow to get legislation passed to force labeling of the dirty foods. I get deathly ill from GMOs, and I have been able to tract that! Wish us luck. Judy
Unfortunately the majority of our society, as gladiator, is inside of a big arena; and the elite group delighting everything…
Keep attention: as Richard Salent, former Pres. of CBS News said: "Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have.
And more:
Rubin Frank, former NBC News pres. said:
"News is what someone wants to suppress. Everything else is advertising."
After this you can make a test: go to some Mainstream Media and do some comment including those above and later see if they accepted your comment!
Pesticides are for killing rats NOT insects.
Bt is NOT pesticide it is insecticide.
How do you expect intelligent people to take you seriously when you cant even use the right words??
A pesticide destroys pests. Pests include rats, plants and insects. Roundup is a pesticide.
Bt is a pesticide.
' Pests ' is the general term for all creatures and plants that are damaging . Hence ' Pesticides ' is the best choice of word to address All criters and others .
And when you want to be Specific you can say Insecticides , etc .
Why does the dog lick his ass?
To get the taste of Monsanto off it's @ss!
…..and Monsanto's kin in Israel will broker you a replacement kidney.
larouchepac dot com —- can save you time. All of this is what Queen Elizabeth wants. See also: larouchepub dot com.
let me know if anyuone you know suffers from kidney's pain… i know at least 5 people that during the last 3 months have lower back pain, and they say is kidney's pain…. so start counting,
Hiya this petition on Avaaz to strip Monsanto’s Robert Fraley’s 2013World Food Prize. Fraley developed Roundup Ready Soy, and is the reason he was awarded the prize. Please share the petition on your networks, email to friends, make it go everywhere..…?