Monsanto’s GMO Corn Contributing to Weight Gain, Disrupts Organs

Are genetically modified foods making you sick and fat? While Monsanto’s (now Bayer) genetically modified creations have been known for causing a massive amount of environmental and human harm, we didn’t realize that they could also be fueling the obesity crisis.
A study published in the International Journal of Biological Sciences showed that GMO corn and other GM food could be contributing to the obesity epidemic and causing organ disruption.
GMO Corn Leading to Weight Gain, Organ Disruption
While being one of the first to report on a comparative analysis of blood and organ system data of rats fed GMO corn, the study effectively ends the debate as to whether GMO foods are safe regarding health.
The study found that GMO corn fed to mice led to an increase in overall body weight of about 3.7%, while also increasing the weight of the liver by up to 11%.
“Crude and relative liver weights are also affected at the end of the maximal (33%) GM maize feeding level as well as that of the heart which for corresponding parameters to a comparable extent, showed up to an 11% weight increase…Additional statistically significant differences include … higher … overall body (3.7%) weight.”
But the 2009 study sheds much more light on GMO dangers than mere weight increase.
“There is a world-wide debate concerning the safety and regulatory approval process of genetically modified (GM) crops and foods. In order to scientifically address this issue, it is necessary to have access to toxicological tests, preferably on mammals, performed over the longest time-scales involving detailed blood and organ system analyses.
… In conclusion, our data presented here strongly recommend that additional long-term (up to 2 years) animal feeding studies be performed in at least three species, preferably also multi-generational, to provide true scientifically valid data on the acute and chronic toxic effects of GM crops, feed and foods.
Our analysis highlights that the kidneys and liver as particularly important on which to focus such research as there was a clear negative impact on the function of these organs in rats consuming GM maize varieties for just 90 days.
GMO Crops Are Causing Environmental Problems, Too
Unfortunately, the GMO crops are causing numerous other problems in our world. While contributing to weight gain, the company’s GMO corn is creating resistant rootworms – causing farmers to use even more threatening pesticides on GMO crops.
GMO crops are known to cause short term damage to nature and your biology, but it is perhaps the long-term consequences that are most concerning.
We currently have information and research regarding the negative effects of GMO foods in the short term, but they continue to be used while long-term effects are still a mystery even to supporters of GMOs.
It is for these reasons, among many others, that GMO crops were continually banned around the world. Hungary, France, Peru, and others have all taken past action against GMO crops and GM foods due to safety hazards these products pose on human health, the ecosystem, and the environment.
Are GMOs Really an Issue When it Comes to Weight Gain or Weight Loss?
While the study does deserve some spotlight, the reality is that GMOs are far from the worst offenders when it comes to unwanted weight gain.
The American diet is notoriously full of calorie-dense, sugar-laden foods that provide very little nutritional value. That, coupled with the average inactive lifestyle, is at the core issue of America’s growing obesity problem.
To help counter that, Natural Society created an excellent weight loss resource page containing tons of helpful information on weight loss and fitness. Check it out and let us know what you think!
Corn is a very popular animal food. It contains high sugar content and does to animals what sugar does to humans; causes diseases and sickness! Fattening up animals fast is an economic advantage to farmers who want to get the most for their money! This study is a no brainer for anyone that understands simple economics, but it is not as obvious to the casual observer that GMO Corn also makes PEOPLE FAT as well, just like the animals! High fructose corn syrup is being promoted as if it was just sugar, but again, anyone that understands how the body works knows that High fructos corn syrup is processed in the liver like alcohol, not like sugar. So when you eat it or drink it, you get fatty liver that leads to cirrhosis of the liver just as if you were an alcoholic, but of course, without the buzz!
Is it any wonder that 25% of all children in America under 4 years old are OBESE! Enfamil baby formula contains 43% HFCS and 10% sugar! 53% of that garbage is a huge problem for anyone wanting their child to be healthy!
Now I know why my dr. and all who work in office are fat. He kept telling me how skinny I am. I'm not skinny, just eat in moderation and try to stay away from crap foods which isn't possible so I eat in moderation.
I read ingredients on mountain dew my kid's friend was drinking and I asked him why he thought they needed to put vegetable oil in it. He just looked at me weird. Poor kids, they've been so brainwashed and many have nothing to look forward to because of the dumbed down people not watching the govt as they destroy everything good because there's a soccer game to go to or something made in China calling their name to shop.
If the govt says it's good for you, always remember they LIE.
I wish there was a like button or something similar on this site. I would have clicked it for your comment. In any case… I like your comment so very much !
John, your grasp of the motivation to fatten animals is deficient. First, farmers do not fatten animals, commercial feedlots do so. Don't demonize the producer. Farmers raise animals, they provide the stock that is subsequently pumped full of corn sugar, antibiotics, and hormones which the public demands. That's right, animals are fattened because you want it. If it didn't sell, it wouldn't be produced.
If this crap meat was honostley labeled would sales be the same? Scew you man
Maybe because thats the only thing available in stores 90% of the time. If you want to buy local non GMO food from local farmers markets, etc. You have to pay a ridiculous amount of money. I make 24,000 dollars a year and can't afford to buy food like that. I am forced to buy over processed, gmo foods because it is so cheap. The problem here isn't because I want the food. I want the real, fresh food that goes bad after a few days. If it wasn't so expensive I would only buy that kind of food. Yet fast food is so cheap and easily available to a large percent of the global population. Wouldn't it make sense to make junk food such as that more expensive and food that's actually good and healthy for you, cheap and readily available to everyone? That's the problem with the US and other developed countries. Until that changes, people will continue to buy it. Are you going to pay for my groceries? I can buy everything I need @ walmart for 1-2 weeks for around 80$. I'd have to spend 280$ if not more @ my local farmers market. At some point you have to quit blaming people and realize that at the end of the day, it all leads back to corrupt companies such as Monsanto and of course our government and government agencies such as the USDA and FDA which are now ran and controlled by corporations.
all your comments make me sick because it's all so true
Went to the grocery store the other day and after walking all the isles, reading all the labels, the only thing I came out with was some bananas.
We must vote with our dollars and not buy this crap food and do what we can to inform people we know about the poor quality of our food supply, environmental damage, and cruelty to animals.
I am going to miss enjoying a nice ear of corn.
Try going to a farmers market where you can buy real corn
I believe it is now illegal to plant any corn other than GMO corn in the U.S.
For your information I grow 300 acres of sweet corn and I supply grocery stores and big distribution centers and I do not have any GMO corn. Just because its not organic does not mean its GMO. Get it straight!
The tide is turning and YES- GMO'S will GO BY THE WAY SIDE! But it does require education on behalf of the public! And FOR THE PUBLIC to EXERCISE their POWER OF THE FORK!! I GUARANTEE IT WILL HAPPEN!! WE American's are TIRED OF BEING SICK!! AND the TRUTH is NOW OUT THERE!! THANKS FOR THE ARTICLE!!
When will GMOs go by the wayside if places like California voted to not have GMO products labelled.
We need people to force the government to STOP all GMO's.
The study that was done. It’s not a study unless you are pitting that data against another group. Those mice gained that weight, but did the study also have mice eat corn that wasn’t genetically modified.
every single figure is labeled against a control group.
Why do we feed as know in history, corn to pigs…fatten them up.
I feel like Milo I have learned so much about the garbage that we feed our bodies ,and we go to our super markets to shop for healthy chemical free and things like non GMO, and everything is got something in it thats garbage,unless we buy 100% organic,which is not always available,or even affordable for some of us we are destined to many illnesses and poor immune system.
Does the study mention anything about the effects of feeding the rats NON-GM Corn? I'm sure if something ate corn exclusively for a long period of time it would have negative effects. If there are effects from a control group it should be mentioned in this article.
"There were also two comparative control groups fed diets containing similar quantities of the closest isogenic or parental maize variety."
The study is promising but the sample size seems too small to claim that it "effectively ends as to whether GMO foods are safe". Even the study authors claim inconclusiveness. Too bad I had to find this interesting study through a sensationalistic and misleading article.
This work was highly critisized because the autors used a wrong statistical method to evaluate it. If you use the common and correct statistical methods, the results are the opposite, the rats that have eaten GMO were bettter than the others.
The weight increase was only 3.7%. For most people, that increase is negligible. I'm sure there is an overall trend for GMO's to cause more damage than that, but I'll admit, I don't know how strong it is.
Good for you. Hydrogenated vegetable oil is a flame retardant and banned in Europe – they use it so the ingredients don’t separate. Seems reasonable..
me to you can’t eat anything without worrying these days