Mindful Breathing a Great Tool for Achieving Your Mind and Body Connection

While seldom consciously recognized, most people truly do lack self-connectedness. This can be exemplified through a mere observation of how most people breath every day. Breaths are usually taken in short bouts which ultimately bring about some degree of stress, rather than deeper breaths that are subsequently more relaxing.
These short breaths are almost always taken with a breath through the chest instead of the proper body area – your stomach. Improper breathing is almost always done unknowingly, but it may be time for you to realize the benefits of proper breathing and start consciously changing the way you breath until you unconsciously start breathing like an expert.
Mindful Breathing for Achieving Your Mind/Body Connection
Breathing is not just a method of survival, and is one of the few things that many people they have control over. To breath incorrectly is like consuming just enough vitamins and nutrients to stay alive. This minimum requirement will enable you to survive, but not thrive.
You may find it easier to practice deep breathing by placing the proper ‘intention’ on every breath. Think of each new breath is fresh and cleansing, which will ultimately lead to vibrancy and excitement. To breath out means ridding your body of the old and toxic.
With each fresh breath should come a sense of calming and connectedness. Breathing synchronizes your mind and body, making it a great tool for achieving optimum health. By putting a focus on each breath into a sore part of your body you can alleviate that pain. Partaking in healing breaths can be especially useful when receiving a massage for a sore part of the body.
Deep breathing techniques are also one ingredient that make up the benefits of meditation. With each inhale and exhale you may experience greater awareness and feel more centered. You will withdraw yourself from the stresses the world is seemingly placing upon you, and a sense of peace will take over. Placing a focus on breathing is also a fantastic way to fall asleep at night. People’s minds often fail to shut down, even when trying to sleep.
There are usually so many things going on and so many worries that falling asleep could take hours. If you use breathing as a technique to sleep by counting your breaths, all of your focus, all of your thoughts will be redirected to keeping count of each exhale. This focus will enable you to shut down, and will pave a smooth road to a deep sleep.
Make this conscious change, and soon your life will become that much easier, unconsciously.
If in your house, there are floor with box-pattern tile and a size of approximately 40x40cm each, you can practice to harmonize the mind and body. The technique, in a standing position, close your eyes, then walk by following the line of four or five tile boxes on the floor. Do it the way it back and forth for 4 or 5 times. If, finally, the body is still exactly the same position as when you started, then the mind and body are in harmony.