1. Loved the video!! BRAVO!!

  2. "One New York Times writer in particular has called all health conscious organic consumers ‘narcissists’" – wow, that means Obama must be heavy into organic food!

  3. blank Frankie Mussallem says:

    On American milk containers they tell you the FDA has found no "significant" difference between milk from cows treated with BGH ("Bovine Growth Hormone") and those which are not. In Canada, use of BGH is not permitted. Makes one think about the amount of dairy products consumed and those fed to children.

  4. Health organization and health ministry both the organizations are always worried to provide better health opportunities to the people especially in terms of selecting foods. Most probably organic food consumers are providing many modified organic foods to the people which seems to be prove more harmful for us; therefore media bring these points in front of us to identify the difference between organic and natural foods.

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