1. blank Anchovy Garbanzo says:

    ” ” “”” “”” “” ” ”’ ” ” ” ‘ ” ‘ ”’ ” ” ‘ ” ‘ ‘ – Woodstock

  2. blank Anchovy Garbanzo says:

    I’m an adult with ADD. Adderall and pot work well together when studying. If I had a choice of only one, pot. I prefer Adderall when working, and pot when studying. In class, I talk less when I’m stoned, but I do sit still, and pay attention.

  3. blank yankee phil says:

    So now if your bored in class or don’t like your teachers class room mannerisms and make fun they drug you senseless and figuare their helping the kid. What a bunch of cowards we’ve become,drugging troublesome children instead of dealing with their issues. Jesus,wait till these poor kids grow up and we see the damage first hand these drugs have done. Probably mostly suicides so I guess for the psychiatric community a good thing , a successful medication regime for their naughty behavior syndrome. A fitting end for the unter mensch

    1. blank Ken Whitten says:

      I understand your position. They didn’t have adhd when I was a kid. When they first started talking about add I was sure they would have drugged me to death for the way I acted in school. I am now 60 and getting treatment for adhd. The medicine does work (adderall) and is relatively risk free if you have adhd. The consequences of not treating the disorder properly can be pretty staggering too. There are non stimulant options and non drug treatment options but the one key to understanding is that these amphetimine type drugs do not have the same effect on someone with adhd as someone who does not.

  4. Mmmmmm. Give my children possibly deadly legal meth for their issues or totally non-lethal cannabis? What to do…what to do?

  5. blank Ken Whitten says:

    I am just being treated for adhd at the age of 60. I have largely gotten by with lots of caffeine and pot and I started smoking pot 46 years ago. The pot that was available was largely intended to get you wasted so I am sure it was not as effective as the proper medical strain. That is too long to count on a drug as it would be if they had adderall when I was a kid. I tolerate both very well. I expect adderall would have made me a better achiever if taken earlier. I was always against adderall, but in hindsight, if good medical was available I would opt for adderall for the school years and caffeine and pot for life. The more you learn about adhd and how to deal with it without drugs the better you will do on a small dose whatever you chose.

  6. blank Ken Whitten says:

    Oh yeah, six year olds probably won’t do well in school smoking pot.

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