1. It`s a – Help yourself – kind of world it seems.Most Americans are so busy helping themselves they still think Saudi Arabia is a man.

  2. another proof how helpful this substance is… i just hope that people would realize the value of this and no longer use to abuse it.

  3. blank AmericanMom says:

    Doctors prescribe all those drugs because no one drug helps…and there is no drug specifically for this. They keep adding more and more off-lable ones, hoping it helps. We've experienced the same for a severe Tourettes case. A family member was taking over 17 pills a day, heavy duty ones too. Some were actually intended for heart issues, some for mental health issues, some for other types of physical probs…none intended for Tourettes…there are none. This experimentation went on for years, until I heard of successes in other countries with cannabis. It was a MIRACLE for sure. The family member is off ALL other drugs now, only has to use a little cannabis and the Tourettes is now manageable. The first remark they made to us was: " is this what normal feels like?" Made me cry… now they can go to the store, movies…etc…no more isolation. Cannabis HAS to be legalized on a federal level!!

    1. If they make it Legal then the Pharmaceuticals will lose money.. And to think they say that Cannabis will kill the brain cells as a result of long term usage but yet the drugs they tend to give will cause all type of side effects from kidney failure to suicidal thoughts in a short term usage.. Go Figure that one..
      I am with you AmericanMom make it legal and I don't smoke..

  4. blank David Dade says:

    In the Bible it speaks of the herb that is for the healing of the nations.Wonder what it could be ?DUH TAKE A GUESS,LOL.

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