1. blank epitaph4humanity says:

    in an alternate universe the citizens of that judges town would storm his home and string him up along side his family members and leave them up to remind all the other judges to do their job they were elected to do. Pitch fork $25.99 a stick some old rags and a bottle of lamp oil $6.99 a rope $18.99 Living in a just world, PRICELESS

  2. $36.8 million / 3700 and they’re getting 10k per person vs the original ruling of $2.4 million per person. The original ruling would have been enough to cover medical expenses for some and probably not all, but instead the judge said each person’s life in this case was worth less than a years work on minimum wage. That wouldn’t even cover a day of the hospital bills for most of them.
    When are people going to wake up to the slaughter farm we’re living in?
    Ubuntu for all.

  3. I wonder how many millions this dishonest, deceiving judge was awarded by the two pharmaceudicals to make such a ridiculouslycriminal decision in favour of these two pharmaceudicals and against the health of human life.
    I sure hope that she gets what she deserves.
    Life in HELL!

  4. Life in HELL…..and they will take their millions as fuel

  5. shoot the whole and extended family with 3 years worth of this med …As for an eye 4 eye , stab a bladder up from some nearby orfice . oh and an eye or two since this is blind justice , the judge should understand . !!!

  6. So what’s wrong with a prison term plus $36 million that might just work out.

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