Could Cell Phones Be Killing the Honeybee?

The bee population has suffered a dramatic decline over the past few years. Pesticides (neonicotinoids), malnutrition, viruses, and climate have all been blamed for the decline. But could electromagnetic radiation from cell phones be contributing to the bee decline as well?
We need bees. Bees aren’t just responsible for keeping pretty flowers alive, they are essential for agriculture purposes and pollinating food crops as well. When bees are in danger, people are in danger. And in case you didn’t know, these much-needed insects have been on the decline for over a decade.
Cell Phone Radiation Altering Behavior and Physiology of Honeybees
In a 2011 study published in the International Journal of Toxicology, researchers examined the impact of cell phone radiation on various biomolecules in adult worker bees of Apis mellifera L.
When comparing the affected bees with a control group, it was evident that cell phone radiation altered the behavior and physiology of honeybees.
Initially, there was a noticeable decrease in the bees’ motor activity on the comb, which was then followed by a collective migration towards the active cell phone.
During this initial phase, there was an increase in the concentration of proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids, suggesting a possible defense mechanism against the stress induced by the radiation.
However, as the exposure continued, there was a slight decrease in these biomolecules, possibly indicating an adaptation to the radiation stimulus.
Other research in 2013 also noted how wildlife, including bees, has been exposed to microwaves and radio frequency radiation signals from various sources, including wireless phones. Spoiler: mobile phone radiation was found to have adverse effects on the honeybees’ biological system.
Bees possess a unique organ that allows them to detect magnetic fields, acting as a natural compass for navigation. The researchers observed honeybee behavior in three scenarios: away from mobile phones, near a phone in standby mode, and near an actively communicating phone.
The study suggests that radiation from mobile phones disrupts the life cycle of honeybees, impacting their reproductive system and honey production.
Bees Become Confused and Disoriented
While the cell phone theory isn’t accepted by all, Swiss researcher Daniel Favre has dedicated his research to connecting the dots between declining bee populations and increasing cell phone radiation.
Favre says that his research has exposed a link between the two—that honeybees exposed to cell phone radiation are likely to be confused and leave the hive, never to return again.
In his study, Favre placed cell phones in honeybee hives and observed what happened when the phones were active, inactive, powered down, or ringing.
His findings: bees weren’t bothered by inactive phones or those in standby mode. However, the bees exposed to ringing phones or ones that were active became confused and signaled each other to leave the hive.
The confusion and odd behavior didn’t stop when the phone stopped ringing—it continued for 12 hours after the phone went inactive again.
This, Favre says, indicates that bees are sensitive to the radiation that comes from phones.
Obviously, more research is needed to look at how phones, EMF, and radiation can affect hive behavior from a greater distance—not many people are placing calls in bee hives.
Also worth examining is whether cell phone towers produce enough radiation to affect the hives. Because they are far larger and their exposure distance reaches further, they could potentially do more damage.
Favre believes towers can hamper the bees’ natural ability to navigate and find their way back to the hive.
“In one experiment, it was found that when a mobile phone was kept near a beehive it resulted in a collapse of the colony in 5 to 10 days,” says Favre, “with the worker bees failing to return home, leaving the hives with just queens, eggs, and hive-bound immature bees.”
Less controversial (though still debated by people with financial interests) is the link between pesticides and bee population decline.
The EMF’s play a larger role than the effect of the radiation in bees. Like birds and even humans, have a gene called cryptochrome that sense the earth’s magnetic fields and all for these birds to migrate to the same place year after year and for bees to return to their same hive. Cellular towers produce large enough amounts of EMF’s to distrupt these finely tuned sensors causing major disruption in how these animals work. Attached is a very intruiging documentary on the subject.
The entire magnetic spectrum, electromagnetic spectrum of "matter" and energy of which our material world is made, is full of constructive and destructive interference's that will move matter up or down the energy ladder. This should be a main study as so much of life depends upon it. Damage or help may be rated in vibrations and its combination frequencies, the patterns and structure they create for matter to coalese.
Guys, orgonite is a solutiong. Orgonite harmonizes bad electromagnetic fields, and structures the energy so when it passes through the body it doesn't interrupt cell communcation (which causes cancer) and a host of other things, and can actually boost the body's own defense mechanisms against EMF's. Animals have hugely positive responses from orgonite!! Especially bees! Research orgonite as much as possible and you will see miracles unfold before your eyes. I've gridded my entire neighborhood and the change that's taken place is priceless. Check out – on how to get started!
“Active mobile phone handsets have a dramatic impact on the behavior of the
bees, namely by inducing the worker piping signal ”
“In natural conditions, worker piping either announces the swarming process of
the bee colony or is a signal of a disturbed bee colony”
“For future experiments, in complement to the present original study and in
order to reach more “natural” conditions, mobile phone apparatuses should be
placed at various increasing distances away from the hives”
“We should ask ourselves, whether the plethora of mobile phone masts also
have an impact on the behaviour of the honeybees”
“Among other factors such as the varroa mite and pesticides, signals from
mobile phones and masts could be contributing to the decline of honeybees
around the world ; I am calling the international scientific community for more
research in this field. ”
Cell phone waves confuse bees and they forget their way to home