How to Stop the Resurgence of Agent Orange in Your Food Supply | Vital Activism

Agent Orange, used as an herbicide during the Vietnam era and linked to over 400,000 birth defects, is making a comeback — but this time it may end up on your dinner plate. A company known as Dow AgroSciences has announced their development of genetically modified corn, soybean, and cotton plants that are metabolically resistant to the herbicide 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), which is a major ingredient in Agent Orange.
Dow Chemicals and Monsanto are heavily connected, and both companies were responsible for the manufacturing of Agent Orange and subsequently downplaying the negative effects of the concoction despite the compelling evidence. History must certainly repeat itself, as Monsanto continues to deny the legitimate health and environmental concerns regarding GMO crops.
How You Can Stop The Resurgence of Agent Orange Right Now
This Agent Orange ingredient is obviously a true danger to your health, but what are you supposed to do about it?
The great news is that the GMO crops resistant to 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) are only in the developmental phase, and have not yet been unleashed on the environment. In a great opportunity for vital activism that can crush Dow AgroScience’s attempts to push their resistant corn into the food supply, a comment portal has been created to voice your concerns. The United States government has actually made available a venue that is open to public commentary until February 27th, 2012.
You can send a message to not only the United States government, but also to corporations like Dow AgroScience and Monsanto through voicing your concerns. In addition, please spread this vital information far and wide, as it is through awareness that GMO crops as a whole will be rejected on a global scale. Entire nations have already rejected Monsanto’s GMO crops such as Hungary, France, and Peru.
Take the initiative and end the resurgence of Agent Orange right now, voice your concern.
Sample comment you may use in full or tweak to your liking:
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), a major ingredient in Agent Orange, has played a role in over 400,00 birth defects since the Vietnam era. In a similar vein, Monsanto’s Roundup and GMO crops have been found to spawn superweeds, heavily resistant insect species, threaten human health, and lead to the use of significantly more pesticides.
Dow AgroScience claims that 2,4 D resistance will not present the same problems as Monsanto’s Roundup, however scientific evidence has gone against these claims. In a recent report published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, researchers reviewed the research published by Dow Chemicals only to find that it was highly misleading and inaccurate.
The study authors stated:
“In their recent article, we feel that Wright et al. (1) [Dow AgroSciences researcher] misrepresented the potential for 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D)–resistant weeds in 2,4-D–resistant cropping systems and exaggerated the sustainability of their approach to addressing glyphosate-resistant weed problems in agriculture.“
Dow AgroScience’s application for non-regulated status for its 2,4 D resistant corn should be denied in order to protect not only human health, but the environment as a whole.
Thanks for providing a venue of change and a solution!!!!!!!!!
Signed as well.
Shared & told them what I think.
This is insanity. Poisoning our food supply for profits is sick, demented and should be a prosecutable crime. Dow and Monsanto have got to go.
This isn't a petition, so why are you calling it that? It's a form to submit comments.
True, John it's not a traditional petition but I guess anything like this is petitioning the government.
I did submit a comment, but I'd suggest that you should be providing some sample comments that people can use to insert in the submission form. A petition simply requires name and address. Some people may not want to bother writing a comment, so you could potentially be losing additional submissions by expecting people to do this on their own.
Great idea, John. I have added a sample comment that is quite simple to paste in.
All the best,
Anthony Gucciardi
The agent orange crisis is horrible.
Wrote a comment. Hopefully this will actually make a difference if enough people sign it.
Used your suggestion comment, thank you!
We need to get this out to everyone — please share this on Facebook!
Where should I send it to in Europe?