1. Gosh, maybe I am remembering wrong or are misinformed. I thought gallstones were caused by a lack of healthy fats in the diets.(And high carbs are a factor too) I thought I had read a while back that women who were on very "low or no-fat diets" were at increased risk of gall stones. The less (healthy) fat we eat the less bile we need to digest the food causing more bile to stay in the gall bladder. In as little as a month tof a no-fat diet he gallbadder begins forming stones. I am not saying a high fat diet is a cure for gallstones, but moderate healthy fats can help prevent them? Maybe I'm wrong…..

  2. Please don's use TRADITIONAL (medicine) to refer to CONVENTIONAL medicine. Traditional refers to long standing methods using natural solutions. thanks

  3. blank Phanes Erichthoneus says:

    The higher-fat diet makes more sense to me from an evolutionary standpoint. For how long has the human species been so concerned with forcing themselves on a low-fat diet? And how for how many tens of thousands of years have our ancestors NOT been on deliberate low-fat diets? How long has man been eating hydrogenated shortening as opposed to butter? How long has man been eating Olestra? It’s all common sense to me. Just skip the diet foods and the low-fat foods with artificial fats and artificial cholesterol and artificial sweeteners. Maybe I’ll croak by living by my own advice, but all I can say in the end is that I tried.

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