7 Ways to Detox Pesticides from Your Body

If you don’t know by now, pay closer attention—pesticides are everywhere. They are on our food, in our water, and in the air. They find their way into our bodies through a variety of vehicles. We can buy organic, grow our food, and use fancy water filtration, but we are still exposed to these modern chemicals on a daily basis. The key to minimizing the effects of pesticides come through both minimizing our exposure, but also through detoxification and preventing their effects on our bodies.
So, how can you detox from pesticide exposure? Here are 7 tips on how to detox pesticides.
1. Milk Thistle
This plant is a member of the daisy family and has a long history of healing. It is primarily seen as a liver cure-all and is also said to be a great way to detox from toxic chemical exposure.
2. Sauna or Bath
Sweating is just one of the many great methods for detoxing your body. Encourage this natural elimination with the use of detox baths and saunas. Something else to note, consuming niacin,or vitamin B3, with sweating will increase the process of eliminating toxins. Your skin will flush and you may experience some discomfort, but the niacin is, over several days and increased dosages, breaking fat cells. Guess what’s in these cells? Toxins.
Additionally, try this simple detox bath recipe.
3. Fermented Foods
By ensuring your gut bacteria is in good health, your body is better able to combat invaders like the toxic pesticide chemicals.
4. Increase Fiber
The more fiber you eat, the faster things move through your body. And good sources of natural fiber (i.e. organic fruits and vegetables) don’t only take the food waste with them. Fiber helps clean the toxins from your body as well.
5. Burdock Root
This natural healer helps flush toxins through urination and perspiration. Use it in a tea or tincture for optimal results.
6. Sarsaparilla
You can find sarsaparilla in most well-stocked health food stores where it is often sold as a tea. This is a well-known blood purifier.
7. Get Fit
Exercise isn’t only good for weight management. Working out encourages all of your body systems to function more effectively. By increasing blood flow throughout the body, you are also helping it to eliminate unwanted toxins.
Keeping healthy is much more than just eating the right foods—it’s eliminating the toxins we come in contact with on a daily basis whenever possible, and helping the body cope with some of the inevitable exposure. By detoxifying the body on a regular and consistent basis, you can help prevent some of the many side effects of these dangerous pesticides that have become so prevalent in our modern world.
Additional Sources:
Good advice. Cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower are good for revving up the detox pathways.
Sometimes a simple juice detox will do the trick.
I've tried almost every health food and alternative medicine in detoxifying my body with reasonable but not totally 100% satisfactory results. However, the penacea is Bikram Hot Yoga for any and all types of toxins in your body. Mind you, Bikram Hot Yoga is not for light hearted folks. You have to have a strong will power and sense of serious commitment to seek good health. There's no substitute to Bikram hot yoga despite all the nonsensical rumors and "sore losers syndroms". Try it and I bet you'll find for yourself that how true this fact is. Good luck and best wishes to all those seeking to live healthier and cooperative life. God bless.
I am surprised that drinking plenty of water is not in this list. It is the number one way to eliminate toxins. Most of the methods that you enumerate rely on drinking plenty of water. Let's all start off well hydrated.
The water usually contains these pesticides, as well as fluoride, arsenic etc. I'm leery of all this water and have seen no study showing that drinking lots of water helps anything. It depletes your minerals too. DIstilled water is the only practical water to drink. But it has no minerals. Spring water is expensive. There is a sand water filter though- never tried- maybe it removes the bad stuff.
Thank you for this article. Though your other comments may not show it, some people appreciate the info you took the time to write.
Pesticides suck man
Eat organic, its Chuck Norris approved
When I was younger, SULPHUR, or as it is known in US as sulfur, in tablet form was prescribed as a blood purifier.
Today, it is marketed under the obscure label of MSM.
It seems to have disappeared from the remedy list, and I often wondered why?