1. blank betsyanne says:

    If ginger root works for these cancers, why not other cancers?

    1. Because Ginger Root doesn’t work for these cancers… This is pure unadulterated garbage.

    2. blank Dam Spahn says:

      Breast and prostate cancer are closely related. There are many different cancers based upon where they sprouted from, and they have vastly different characteristics.

  2. I love ginger but where can I find organic ginger that does not come from China?

    1. Most ginger you find here in the states is grown either right here or in Latin America. You can find organic ginger at your local farmers market.. health food store.. or even Whole foods.

  3. blank salvernaz says:

    There is also MORE than ONE ginger plant? Which one did University of Michigan study?

  4. Beware. If ginger works too well, there will be machinations begun to either outlaw it or change it.

  5. Without some kind of guidance on dosing, this information is not very useful. How much, how? Eat it? Drink tea? Cut yourself open and pour ginger powder on your ovaries?

    1. make tea!!!!!! add honey & Lemon. 3-4 times a day and even my fatty tumor is shrinking

    2. You can buy ginger capsules or make tea with it. It would be difficult to harm yourself with ginger.

    3. blank gingercake5 says:

      The article says “daily oral feeding of 100 mg/kg body weight…” The slash mark means “per.” That’s a lot of ginger. This is in the paragraph that begins “Remarkably…”

  6. blank Clay Hughes says:

    i will never tell you how to use this!!!! just know that it works, now go to bed

  7. My wife was consuming a lot of ginger and turmeric.
    She still died. 🙁

    1. I’m truly sorry for your loss, and can empathize as my own mom is battling stage IV ovarian cancer.

  8. The writer left out “Ginger is good. Makes a great soft drink. Good cookies too.”
    She also omitted any actual information about how it is useful against cancer. Consumed? Injected, and where? How much? What kind?
    All the statements about what ginger did to cancer cells also fails to mention if that was in a lab dish, or in actual clinical use. Frankly, lye will also kill cancer cells in a dish, but that’s probably not useful information without a method to use lye in a living human. This is a fluff piece written by someone who clearly doesn’t know the science behind it, but “OMG, organic!”

    1. Urine kills cells in a dish… so does water, spit, orange juice, a chunk of pineapple and my t-shirt when it absorbs all the media…
      Source: Experience

      1. If you enjoy being a smartass just boogie on out of here.
        You are not impressing anyone

    2. this is the problem with traditional medicine, no comparative studies done,mostly personal observations that does not stand to evidence.take it or leave it or plan a comparative study…

  9. blank sciencestudent says:

    The experiments were done on mice so it is too early to conclude that ginger does or does not affect cancer in people. So don’t drop your chemo for ginger just yet.

  10. blank Reading Comprehension says:

    Read the extracts there lazy people: the 56% reduction in prostate tumor size came from 100mg/kg……

  11. blank Dam Spahn says:

    Where are links to the research? Dosage levels used?

    1. blank Tex Westerly says:

      The links are given in blue highlights – “American Association for Cancer Research” in hot link letters gives the name of the university and study – all you have to do is Google it up inserting the word “ginger”…the other link to a study is at:
      Another study showing ginger’s ability to fight ovarian cancer “concludes with”: It’s there in the report, try clicking on them!

  12. I consume ginger daily along with many other good organic foods. If I do end up with cancer then that is the way I leave this life because I will not subject myself to chemo or radiation that does so much damage to the body that if one does survive the chemo and radiation they end up with other serious health issues. I have seen this to often for me to take the chemo road. I’ll just leave this life because the moment I leave I begin a new journey. Just live well by eating all organics, exercise the body and mind and make sure to add meaningful meditation daily. Strive to be happy and laugh a lot, sing and dance even if you don’t sing or dance well just do it, you will have new found joy.

    1. Well said Jalene. Prevention is the key! Once you get malignant cancer, you’re in for one hell of a battle.

  13. blank GingerTea says:

    Ginger tea is great first thing in the morning. I get my energy from drinking it….(take 2 inches of ginger, scrap off the ginger skin with a knife, crush it with a mortar n pestle until it gets fibrous and there are no solid pieces, add it to a cup of boiling water, add jaggery instead of sugar and drink it.) I love the balance of the tanginess of ginger adn the sweetness of jaggery.
    To anyone who wishes to consume ginger…please remove the skin of ginger before crushing it, or grating it to add to your food/drink. Ginger skin is poisonous.
    That said, in India we use it everyday in almost all our meals…Beans and lentils are never cooked without ginger as it helps remove the gas that is naturallly in them. This helps in avoiding flatulence.

  14. I like how all the “source” links just go to other sites just like this. They all redirect to another bs site and by the time you get to something slightly credible it’s not even related to the original article. NEWSFLASH: Just because some person wrote it on a website with the word “medical” in it, doesn’t mean it’s real. Sources people. This is like middle school common sense.

    1. blank Tex Westerly says:

      No, you’re completely wrong, see my reply to Dam Spahn for the study links, since you’re too ignorant to figure out how to find them.

  15. what i do is buy the whole ginger root from the store, skin the skin off with a spoon and then chop it up and run it threw a juicer and you get a yellow ginger oil which you can use as mouthwash, drink, and put on light hypopigmented scars to repigment skin

  16. One must be careful in believing that ginger root is going to kill all your cancer. Rats and mice have very different physiologies than humans, and those studies rarely work the same in human studies. The studies you’re citing do NOT claim that a cure has been observed. Ginger may shrink a tumor, but the tumor isn’t gone. There are many compounds that temporarily shrink tumors and cancer growths, but it doesn’t last. Most all alternative therapies are best used as complementary therapies, meaning using them WITH chemo, radiation, surgery, etc.
    Cancer is best prevented.

    1. blank Tex Westerly says:

      NO, rats are used precisely because they have VERY similar physiologies to humans, and the studies are done using them for that very reason and because they breed very rapidly, allowing generational studies to be done far quicker than with humans. The studies linked to also do not say anything about ginger “shrinking” tumors – they say that ginger ‘Kills” ovarian & prostate cancer cells. Chemo is criminal torture for money and actually helps less than 2% of people it is used on – look it up, Mr. KnowItAll. Many excellent proven alternative therapies should be used as a *primary* therapy by someone that knows what they are doing, like a Naturopath, but DIY is better than dying at the hands of greedy M.D.s. Knowledge is Power – if you really want to be so knowledgeable, research and learn about alternative therapies. “Cancer is best prevented …Use with chemo” is not very helpful for the many that already have a cancer diagnosis!

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