Fukushima Radiation Levels Exceeding Evacuation Zone Spreading Beyond Tokyo

The realistic threat of the nuclear catastrophe in Fukushima seems to be all but over. Recently, high levels of radiation have been recorded in Tokyo, a great deal away from Fukushima. According to reports, the radiation levels recorded were higher in Tokyo’s Setagaya ward than in the evacuation area around the Fukushima plant.
Reporters from Japan state that Fukushima may not be the cause of the increased radiation, but that seems highly unlikely considering that there has been a large amount of controversy over the original reports of radiation levels when the disaster struck initially.
Fukushima Radiation, Radioactive Isotopes, Found Thousands of Miles Outside of Evacuation Zone
It would not be unwise to assume that the contamination has spread long and far, considering the grand nature of this disaster. Even Chernobyl’s effects can be recognized today, and this incident has been deemed exponentially greater in magnitude than that. Numerous researchers have found increased radiation levels around Tokyo, and it would make sense that by now the radioactive fallout has landed in the area. Researchers have even identified numerous radioactive isotopes in a number of geographical locations that originated from Fukushima since the nuclear meltdown in March. In fact, scientists located a radioactive isotope in California, traced back to the Fukushima explosion. It is only a matter of time before the other radioactive isotopes are located.
Many predictive projections of the nuclear fallout show that the radioactive material has found its way across the pacific, and across much of America. Even increased radiation levels have been reported as far north as Maine, thousands of miles away from the initial nuclear epicenter — the very place where officials Japanese officials assured us would be the extent of the radiation crisis. With Colorado and Washington state scientists confirming the presence of radioactive particles, it has been confirmed that the fallout is so pervasive that it is now deeply present in many US cities.
The nature of the situation poses a considerable threat, as Japanese government officials and scientists have considered evacuation yet at the same time white wash the severity of the issue by claiming that it is under control. The truth of the matter is that the Fukushima catastrophe will be felt for countless years, and Japanese officials are simply allowing Tokyo residents to exposed to this radiation by downplaying the risks. The absolutely lethal nature of this incident should not be unchecked or disregarded, as Fukushima radiation slowly creeps on more nations around the globe each day.