1. It's the money grabbing corporations AND Agenda 21. FDA is simply assisting in following the plan set up by the United Nations Agenda 21 years ago.

    1. blank Patricia P. Tursi says:

      You are on the right trail! But Codex Alimentarious is the primary vehicle for food and supplements which dovetails into the Agenda 21 plans.

  2. blank Anonymous says:

    Who the f*** is the FDA? They sure aren't there to protect the interests of people.

  3. This is Huge!! They know vitamins are what keep people healthy! People need to fight back on this one!

  4. blank Old Tymer says:

    I have a book with papers from a symposium on July 23 and 24, 1964 in NY,NY supported from a grant presented by Hoffmann-LaRoche Inc.. The book is " International Symposium on Vitamin B6 in honor or Professor Paul Gyorgy."

    In the books introduction – written by Pr. Gyorgy, it is clearly stated that Pyridoxamine was discovered in 1942 by Snell and associates.

    I find it very difficult to believe that 70 years later the FDA reaches out and claims it can somehow restrict this compound to prescription use and give a monopoly on it's manufacture and distribution to one company.

    This is a dangerous precedent – for where will such actions stop ?

  5. blank Kerligirl says:

    I know this sounds harsh, but considering that the goal is to make ALL supplement available by perscription only, it's not. I think we the American people should sue Big Pharma companies and the FDA for intentionally causing harm to people and attemped murder through legislation.

  6. soon, we will need to cross the 'border' in canada or mexico to buy simple vitamins!!

    one can see actual bootleg /home made vitamin makers in the woods,making selling banned vitamins; 'whispering…..i need some b-6 pronto,my street corner sellers are running out-fast,and crack just got legal last week,so my boyz in the hood need another product.'

    1. This is why I, the 54 year old daughter of Hungarian

      immigrants, who left a Communist country to have

      their children born in the free U.S.A., am seriously

      considering moving to Mexico. Like France and Canada

      though a 3rd world country, believe that basic

      health care should be available for all.

      The thought of living in the U.S. and being forced to pay a "FINE", mind you not a TAX of $1600.00 a year if I don`t have health insurance, rattles my arthritic bones to the core. If I can`t afford health insurance how can I afford the $1600?



      1. blank Anonymous says:

        Sign up for health care through your county then. I'm unemployed with no income so it's free for me.

  7. blank Mr. Not A. Sleep says:

    I'm not surprised. Over 40 years ago the FDA banned B-4 from all supplements. B4 helps prevent heart failure! I guess we humans didn't die off fast enough with this move.

    Take for instance Mr. Jason Winters. He had cancer pretty bad and it was spreading. He came across an herb that he made into a tea and it got rid of his cancer completely. He sold his tea to cancer victims and they recovered too. Well guess what? Mr. FDA caught wind of his product tested it and FOUND the active ingredient that killed cancer cells. What did Mr. FDA do? Ordered Mr. Winters to remove that element from his tea or he couldn't sell his tea in American't! (Mr. Winters was shipping from Canada) Jason soon found out they (FDA) weren't joking they stopped all shipments from Canada until he removed that key component from his teas. Sadly, Mr. Winters complied and now he's just another tea bag in the market place!

    YET! The FDA give permission for scientist to make a more contagious more lethal bird flu that has no vaccine cure.

    YET! Everyone jumps up and down over the shuttle flying overhead before arriving at it's final destination! Not having a clue that the TARES are shoving it in your face and laughing when you pay your fees to go "look and see" our technology! How silly we humans are! To admire a machine that aided tares to splice a genome in space that will make lung cancer spread like wild fire and kill it's infected victim in 24 hours!!

    That is what our higher education has brought us!!!

    Death and more DEATH!!

    I am now of the conclusion…humans don't run the FDA! Something or some entity wants us dead!

    1. America is an awesome place! Americans are the world's innovators. Compelling integrity in souls which are decaying from greed, power, fueled by hatred – can only happen with peaceful dis-obeidence. I am sure you can find B-3 (Niacin) and B-6 on the net – I take these vitamins regularly. I think the FDA and the Pharmaceuticals are in bed together. They feed each other with money from taxes and sales. . . back and forth like a pendulum. What we can do is use the power of research and pro-actively live what you believe. . . Your life is your message. . .

      James Tarantino

  8. When will they stop messing with our rights to good health and happiness! They need to leave us the hell alone, and let us live our lives without always interfering in it. We are divine human beings with unlimited rights and freedom, how DARE them try and take that away from us!!! It is a MAJOR crime against the human race!

  9. I want to make medicine that uses oxygen and other compounds found into atmosphere.

    Can the FDA ban air for me please?

    While you're at it, can you also ban water, sunlight, yawning, pooping, aging, mating, thirst, hunger, sadness, and happiness? You know what … just ban everything, that would make everything much easier.

    Thank you!

  10. I forgot to add, why dont the people just start a "underground" nutrition market.

    If alcohol can be circumvented during prohibition, so can vitamins and other healthy products. Its up to the people to get off their butts and do it.

    1. blank Anonymous says:

      People do that; the government labels it illegal substances & people go to jail. Pretty lame that something that can occur naturally on the planet is labeled illegal.

      The only things that should be illegal are killing, rape, & stealing.

  11. My goodness…it's long past the time to get rid of the FDA completely.

    Give a government bureaucracy power and that power will inevitably be influenced.

    Remove the power…abolish it.

  12. May I start a petition using the information here? I intend to use it as base and add information from other sources for the petition text.

  13. Everyone, Please write and call your congressmen and senators. I signed the petition on The Alliance For Natural Health's site and my congressman actually called me to talk about the petition.

    Now is the time that politicians might be more responsive to these issues being that the elections are so close.

  14. fda wants abolish supplements and endorse neds sick bunch bustards I live to get rid of these creeps im sick im not giving up end these fbs

  15. This makes me F***king angry!!!! I can see, in the future, supplements becoming a black market product and being created and sold in secret. These pharmaceutical companies and their puppets they have in government and public organisations need to be exposed. They have secret crimes for sure. You can see by their actions and intentions where they stand. It's certainly not for the benefit of the public!!! Grrrr!!!!

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