Exercises to Reduce Stomach Fat – 5 Exercises to Do at Home!

An expanding waistline isn’t just concerning because your favorite pants no longer fit well, but because a fat stomach is connected with numerous health issues including a higher risk for heart disease and diabetes, and a doubled risk of premature death. But losing belly fat isn’t always easy. While your diet is the most important contributor to obesity, staying active is crucial as well. Luckily, there are a number of exercises to reduce stomach fat you can do right at home!
What you eat plays a major role in how you look. But even if you cut calories, you will only experience limited success. The healthiest people, those with flat stomachs and glowing complexions, don’t just eat right—they exercise.
Exercises to Reduce Stomach Fat
So, what exercises to reduce stomach fat can you do at home with minimal equipment?
- Cardio! – Cardio exercise like running, dancing, walking fast, and kickboxing is a great way to burn calories. Anything that gets your heart rate going is good, but choose activities that challenge you too. Make it a goal to get 30 minutes of cardio at least 4 to 5 times a week.
- Push-ups – Your “core muscles” are those that hold you upright. They are the foundation of every single movement. And a strong core means a strong, taut tummy. Push-ups are one of the best core exercises because they require the engagement of nearly every muscle group, from your neck to your toes.
- Big Leg-Muscle Work – The muscles in your legs are big, and because muscle burns more calories than fat, building your muscle mass is a great way to rev-up your metabolism. Lunges, squats and step-ups are all perfect ways to get your legs stronger and your overall muscle mass up.
- Crunches – When the fat starts to melt away, it would be nice to have some definition, right? While sit-ups and crunches alone won’t get rid of belly fat, they can help prepare you for when you do lose your gut. Here are some great stomach-specific crunch and ab exercises.
- Reduce Stress – While it’s not a physical exercise, reducing stress can have a major impact on your waistline. Stress causes hormones to be released that tell the body to hold on to weight—that something major might be coming (like a famine!). But by meditating, getting out in nature, and just taking it easy, you can support your body as you work to lose weight. Check out these 8 other ways on how to destress – they really can change your life for the better.
While exercises to reduce stomach fat can help, diet, exercise, and stress relief are all major factors in belly fat retention. When you are able to get these three things under control and get a good night’s sleep every night, you’ll be on your way to a slimmer waist line and a healthier outlook.
i feel the same way you do.i am a bigger girl and cant really move as fast as so people. but my best friend runs/joggs with me every day we have a workout set for every day.and i am only 15 but my friend has got her friends to run with me so i get boost from everyone. they all cheer when i run the ful 2 laps around the gym. now sence school has started i have lost 30 pounds in 2 monthes thanks to this website and my friends!!!!!
well, the most easy thing to do to have a slim belly – like me – is to remove your face and stretch your entire body along the y-axis.
Above mentioned exercises are really helpful to reduce fats and weight. There are many great benefits of walking exercise. To maintain good health, it is necessary to walk atleast 20 to 25 minutes in a day.
thannn. jgddyjkkkkks
There are a lot of ways on how to reduce tummy fat in no time. Of course exercise is a huge factor, but if you are really eager to lose it, then there is an innovative way of doing so without even having to deal with surgery. They are actually freezing your fat and removing it through waste.
Thanks Liz, there are some excellent tips here that I will share with my readers.
I would like to add "working the core" too. There are plenty of Yoga schools that promote core strength. It's really helped me to lose my belly and reduce thigh fat.
PJ xx
i regularly take a walk of 20 mins to reach my office…but i'm still gaining fats in my belly….can anyone help me wat else shall i do?? i am not that fat..but have started gaining weight from last few months specially after joining office . is it deu to stress that im gaining??? what r the different ways o reduce it???
awesome tips.. I had started to follow your tips from today on wards. Thank you.
I want to reduce my stomach
How do I do to lose my big stomach
sorry about your daughter but that was sooo funny 🙂
He handed one to me and said to sprinkle it lightly
into the sand all around the smaller dumpster while he
would cover the larger dumpster area. One night the skunk had not shown up by the time Michael went to bed at 11
PM. If your using tap water and have a garden hose it may be easier to bring the hose to the tank to
fill it.
Excellent tips. Let me check this work on my body 🙂
I used to walk to the subway and the office, about four miles per day. That did nothing to lose weight. It’s 75 to 80% diet and 20% exercise. What worked was less carbs (sugar and wheat) and I started doing high intensity interval training (HIIT) three times per week and some resistance exercise a couple times per week. The HIIT consisted of eight 30-second sprints on a stationary bike each followed by 90 seconds are low resistance and speed, after a three-minute warmup and then a cool-down, for a total of 20 minutes. That builds up your fast twitch muscles and trains them to burn more glycogen. Long treadmill/jogging adds oxidative stress (i.e., is inflammatory) and does nothing to build your fast twitch muscle. In fact you lose the fast twitch muscle because you’re not using them. As far a crunches go, they can end up giving you back pain as they are not a well-rounded core builder. Pushups and planks are better. Anyway, I lost 15 pounds in about three months without starving myself.