1. What would be the equivalent dose of ascorbyl palmitate to take with the 2 grams of L lysine? 3 grams of ascorbic acid causes stomach irritation for me, and I've ordered the ascorbyl palmitate in 500 mg capsules to replace the 1000 mg ascorbic acid capsules I have been using.

    1. blank Paul Young says:

      Buy crystalline ascorbic acid powder (pure vitamin C, a half teaspoon is about two grams.) Mix it with an equal amount of baking soda in water, wait for it to stop fizzing and drink it. The baking soda neutralizes the acid in the C and converts it into sodium ascorbate. That should fix the stomach irritation and besides, crystalline C is much cheaper and you don't have to gag down those big pills.

      1. Thanks, I've already tried that and had the same problem, which is why I'm now using the ascorbyl palmitate.

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