Detroit Forces Farmer to Destroy 248 Gallons of Milk, 1200 Free-Range Eggs

While Americans who can’t pay their bills in the bankrupt city of Detroit are having their water turned off, the state of Michigan decided to direct its minimal resources to crack-down on a few small food co-ops in the city of Standish for having the audacity to provide organic milk, free-range eggs, butter, cream, and other food to people who bought shares in their companies.
The Michigan Department of Agriculture (MDA) forced Joe and Brenda Golimbieski, the owners of Hill High Dairy, and Jenny Samuelson, owner of My Family Co-op, to dump 248 perfectly good gallons of organic milk, break 100-dozen protein-filled, life sustaining free-range eggs, and an undisclosed amount of butter, fresh cream, and organic cheese.
Hill High Dairy’s Facebook page stated that agents from the MDA stood over them to be certain they destroyed this foodstuff. Each individual egg had to be broken and the 248 gallons of milk had to be dumped in a sprayer that was then delivered to a nearby field – a complete waste. Since the original posting of this article on another site, the Hill High Dairy page is now inaccessible. You can still see pictures of the forced destruction, here, however.
The owners of the dairy also state that they were threatened with arrest for ‘selling food without a license,’ even though the farm is a co-op and people buy shares with the right to purchase directly from the farm. The MDA said that the co-op contracts were invalid, arguing that the food was not ‘shared,’ but ‘sold.’ It sounds more like the MDA stole food from people who had rightly paid for it, and have every legal reason to consume it.
Read: Oregon Farmer Files Lawsuit over Raw Milk Advertising Ban
One member angrily expressed:
“This is such a shame! I paid for these products and this is what happened!!!! They are all criminals!!! Government stealing all our food! I paid just so that Jenny and the farmers didn’t have to carry the burden all on their own!!!! A crying shame. Shame on Michigans Department of Agriculture! Criminals everyone on u!!!!”
The MDA actually called these farms ‘dangerous’ even though none of the animals are drugged, tortured, or even caged, as much of the factory-farmed animals are kept. Real farming is now treated like a crime, and criminal Big Ag practices are upheld like the law. We live in a backwards world, folks. Big Corporations clearly don’t want people to have a right to eat organic, healthful food.
Special place in hell for these people and their masters. Just following orders Massa !
Totally agree with you.
I’m surprised Detroit would stand for this. And I’m sad for the farmer. And who ever demanded this needs to be dealt with. I hope you can find away to sue them good.
Detroit it the headquarters for many of the world’s larges coprations. The gov cut corporate taxes,the city want bankrupt, and they cut off the water to poor people.
You bet Detroit would do this.
I live in Michigan and I would like to know who to contact to protest this crime against this farmer – OR any other farmers in the same boat.
I interviewed a member of the Co-op in Michigan, a friend of mine. You can see the video linked here
I’m sure glad I don’t live in Michigan and if I did, I would sure make a quick exit. This is what happens when psychopaths rule.
Detroit Forces Farmer to Destroy 248 Gallons of Milk, 1200 Free-Range Eggs. Not bad from a bankrupt city. This is real action, what´s the next step in the land of the free and the brave?
I find it aggravating that articles such as this do no provide links of how people can show support, sign petitions, etc. Sure, I can google it myself, however, if you’ve taken the time to research and write the article, why not spend a little more time ensuring your readers do something about it? Please take this feedback for future articles!
This is infuriating! Why not go and destroy all the damn chemical-laden, overly pasteurized, beyond processed garbage littering stores everywhere? This is getting to be too much. It defies logic, common sense! We need to stand up and fight back. The war is on!
Stop voting corporate.
Vote Green party and Progressive Cucuas.