1. You are aware that most of the bad things that have happened while Obama is in office is not his fault right? The government shutdown, that was the Republicans because they were too full of themselves to come to a compromise. The whole Fukushima thing isn’t his fault either. He can’t control them and get people to tell the truth. All he can do is what he thinks is best. And I can guarantee it’s better than how it could be.

    1. I know, nothing is Obama’s fault. Haha! Yeah right. I’m not putting Fukashema on him, but You can’t paint a turd, so don’t try. Everything is worse now than before the big O, I don’t even reconize him as an American…..because he’s NOT! So save your breath, it will be a waste on a guy like myself. I don’t have a replacement clown for office, rep/dem all the same to me.

  2. blank truthseeker says:

    LOL..I agree with you wholeheartedly, but I expand the lens and say “Could we place someone else groomed in this sickness in his place and it be anything different”?
    The Model failed in Rome and we live in a monetary caste system where all people have been reduced to chattel, swinging at symptoms will not affect the dichotomy.

    1. I believe that we could definitely put someone else in this mans place……the entire system is corrupt to the core if that’s what your getting at. I believe a fight is coming.

      1. blank truthseeker says:

        Agreed again, it was designed this way and built on one people and was ignored as a problem, today its EVERYONE’S problem uniformly.

        1. As long as men like you and I stand on field together, there will be a “change & hope” taking place in the very near future. I just don’t see people putting up with much more than what’s going on today. The people aren’t really divided as media makes it out to be. My family has always known that the government doesn’t have your best interests in mind, and my roots run deep!! I’m sure yours taught you the same.

          1. blank truthseeker says:

            As Long as people maintain a internal Moral barometer, then we can govern ourselves, as long as I want for you and yours what I want for myself, then we can actually stride confidently and on firm foundation.
            Completely agreed and further Fight does come and it must, the lines arent what they would have us believe, Tyranny galvanizes those oppressed under it.

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