1. blank Grami Linda says:

    My grandson and I decided one day to see what dandelions taste like. We collected leaves and sauted them with some butter, a little vinegar and a sprinkle of sugar. They were quite good.

  2. blank Di, Cerrillos, NM says:

    Any good book on foraging will have dandelion in it.
    Italian immigrants where I lived in NY gathered spring plants. I learned from my friend from Sicily. Spring plants help detox from winter eating. I drew the line at hunting for mushrooms, too risky for an amateur. lol

  3. What about lawn dandelions. Are they edible?

    1. We have eaten dandelion leaves in our salad for several generations. In the south they are used as greens among other things. They are good tasting and Free! But be sure to wash first even before drying. This is a great time of year to stock up on them from your yard before the weed killer goes on. Eat some now, dry some for this winter.

  4. blank Dan in Colorado says:

    My neighbor has a large crop growing in his front yard, and is kind enough to share the seeds with me 😉

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