1. Very useful info! Thank you!

  2. blank Toby Hunter says:

    What about Nut and Grain milks? Would there proteins do the same as dairy proteins?

  3. This article is not entirely true. It lowers a particular group of antioxidents, the ones that chlorinate some dna to reduce inflammation damage. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) the ones that work really well. It significantly increases the bioavailability of other antioxidents (EGC) though. Epigallocatechin these ones that work alright. Its a trade off, thats all. If anyone can link to the specific benefits of EGC vs EGCG you can prove this article bunk.
    The funny thing is apparently EGC attaches to the cannaboid receptors of the brain. Milk increases the bio-availability of EGC instead of EGCG. So milk would make tea more relaxing.
    For DNA chlorination of the antioxidants it reduces.
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epigallocatechin_gallate EGCG
    Cannaboid receptor.

  4. blank MatBastardson says:

    For how long after consumption does dairy have this nutrient blocking effect? I have searched numerous articles on this topic. No one mentions it. Yogurt is an important part of my nutritional regimen; I don’t see giving it up entirely – however, I could adjust when I eat it, if only there were some pertinent information available on the matter. Does anybody know? Something simple like “For best nutrient absorption, you should have your blueberries (or coffee, or cacao) this long before, or this long after consuming dairy”. Rather crucial data. I can’t fathom why every writer on the subject totally leaves it out of the article.

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