1. I hope there is a lawsuit involved.and it sounds like CPA has messed up as always.These people allow a child that is really in danger to stay in the hoe but removes a child that is loved by their parent in the hoe.I swear I don’t know the difference between the corrupted judicial system, crooked cops or a racist judge.So sad.

  2. blank Juli Lawrence says:

    As I understand this child is still in the custody of the hospital. The mother was only allowed one hour with her son.

  3. This is obviously an outrage, but why didn’t they just smile and nod, go to another doctor and chuck the AB when they got home?

  4. blank Brian Lawson says:

    I totally agree that this is outlandish and unacceptable.

    1. YAP, SOMEONE is responsible for this mess and they should pay big time… all of them involved, including hospital and doctor and the stuuuuppppiiiidddd CPA

  5. Both CPS and APS profile parents that take their children or relatives to multiple hospitals as child abusers, because that's what abusers do. It's not a very good profile because that's also what excellent parents with children with complex medical conditions do and not doing so would actually be abuse and neglect in these situations. Meanwhile the places they send these children to are often not the safest places but that kind of risk is never reported.because it's the government doing it. This is not a new story for them. They have a network of hospital nurses and reporters that have to call in such reports or they will be held criminally liable, and they are called "sentries." This is how the system works, and it's fed by pecuniary gain for the agencies.

  6. It's not talked about much, but this type of action is also viewed favorably by hospital risk management departments when there is even a slight hint of the possibility of medical malpractice liability, because when the child or disabled adult is no longer in the custody of the caring parents or relatives, who would be the only ones that conceivably might sue, the medical provider can tell a court the parents lack standing to commence litigation and are not qualified to act as guardians ad litem. This provides a strong defense, especially when there is an odor of alleged abuse hanging over the parents' heads, even if it is obviously pretextual and flimsy as here. It's the hospital's way of insuring themselves against medical malpractice claims, as if MICRA wasn't enough. The clue here is that the parents talked about the hospital "mistakes" at the first hospital and asked for a second opinion to challenge the first hospital, which triggered the fears of risk management; thus their report to CPS, and then they left the hospital AMA (Against Medical Advice) without signing the waiver forms. When CPS said they "follow the lead of the medical providers," that is what they mean.

  7. The claim that the attorney made in this video that a home invasion by cops or social workers without a warrant, emergency or probable cause is not constitutionally defensible on Fourth Amendment grounds is also correct. He should look up the case, Rogers v. County of San Joaquin, 487 F.3d 1288 (9th Cir. 2007) where emergency is limited to situations sufficiently immediate and irreparable that there is no time to go get a warrant. "Fourth Amendment protects children from removal from their homes absent a showing that, at the time of the seizure, there is reasonable cause to believe that the children were in imminent danger of serious bodily injury and that the scope of the intrusion is reasonably necessary to avert that specific injury." The cops and social workers are not trained properly on the law and this kind of thing cannot happen under our constitutional system. The facts here do not support any such contention.

  8. Yeah, but let me go get an abortion and they'll dole out money for me to get it. Our government is all screwed up and ass backwards.

  9. I am a school counselor & have noted one of the oldest revenge tactics in the book when one neighbor is mad at another for a drug deal gone bad or what-not is to file a false CPS report on the other family. Clearly, this is the case here-only CPS took the report seriously because it came from what they thought was a reputable health care provider. CPS in the city where I work is pretty ethical and would make note of any future reports from this hospital and proceed more carefully. The parents definately got the guilty 'till proven innocent treatment. Poor parents-I would definately sue the hospital for filing that false report and the police for how they behaved themsleves. Unbelievable.

    1. Biased much? You are a communist buffoon who is defending the system of which you are a part. Your opinion does not hold any value among free people.

  10. blank Mr. RightwithGod says:

    Take my child away from me… it becomes very personal!

  11. blank Gertrude van Voorden says:

    Once in a hospital with a child, you loose your legal parental rights to make choices in the best interest of your child, based on the way you live your life. It has been like that forever, also here in the Netherlands. Believing some decades ago, i had the right to take my child out of the hospital, i was asked to wait for the doctor to have a talk, when i was confronted with police entering and a judge signing away my parental custody by a telephonecall. I was lucky for knowing a guy at CPS personally and succeeded in reversing the issue. I wonder how many children die, because of parents refraining from going to the hospital, fearing they will be denied any input, religious or healthcarewise, once they have done so.

  12. We're from the government and we are here to…..

  13. blank Anonymous says:

    This kind of abuse by the gov on parents could very well encourage parents not to seek medical assistance when needed for their child due to fear of being accused of child abuse and having child taken away. Result being that child ends up being very sick or death, all due to fear caused by gov.

  14. In California there are many child care center and more parents are interested in providing better help to their children and protect their children from child abuse and many children also suffer from depression. In order to protect their child from different rules and regulation they need help right now.

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