One Comment

  1. blank Kānāwai Māmalahoe says:

    Great article, we were able to come together and defeat the millions of dollars in propaganda from the chemical corporations and the banksters who control them; however, the real battle will be to win in court as the justice system has been largely corrupted.

    Hopefully Chief Judge Mollway will eventually rule to enforce the moratorium requiring independent health impact studies before any further open-air cultivation of new experimental forms of genetically engineered organisms in our fragile island ecosystem, as they have already caused significant damages to Maui.

    Studies are needed before open air experimentation is conducted without our informed consent to be guinea pigs of Monsanto, Dow, Syngenta, DuPont, and former IG Farben members Bayer and BASF. The record of destruction from these corporations is atrocious the fact they are still allowed to operate shows this once great republic has fallen to the power of central bankers.

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