1. blank Deep Space says:

    I wonder how long before Monsanto sues Chipotle?

    1. It won’t happen; they’re calloused criminals; not dummies.

    2. blank Greg Burton says:

      Either that, or “al Qaeda” gonna git ’em.

  2. The “farmers” who somehow post online all day will not be happy….;)

  3. The fact is Chipotle’s NOT 100% GMO free. Their chicken as well as their pork are fed diets based on GMO feed. Personally, i would like Chipotle to step it up a notch and have organic chicken.. pork and beef on their menu.

    1. I’d like it if they’d just tell the truth. When I read that headline, I thought, “They’re too big to do this.” They can’t avoid all GMO’s without a stiff price increase because the natural food just isn’t there.

    2. blank SageThinker says:

      Well at least the food itself does not have directly genetically modified food like the grains involved, and the animals you’re speaking of are also not genetically modified even if they eat GM feeds. I agree though of course, organic all the way, it’s always better. I’ll eat only vegetarian there because i also cannot support factory farming of animals.

  4. blank SageThinker says:

    This is really great, but i’m still concerned about glyphosate that may be present in non-GM grains like the wheat in their burrito wraps. Glyphosate is often sprayed on fields before planting to “burndown” the soil and kill already germinated weeds, and it’s also used sometimes pre-harvest to kill down all the wheat right before harvest. I don’t want 1 mg per kg of glyphosate in my wheat. Yes, give me burrito but hold the glyphosate.

  5. I’m wondering how much more time will go by before we see Monsanto’s stock go right into the gutter.

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