1. blank Leaping Lizard says:

    “It’s use for cancer treatment throughout the ages is ironic as scientists have struggled to find effective and safe treatments for cancer. ”
    Elizabeth, you should not parrot such trash talk. Western science has struggled for over 100 years, ever since John D. Rockefeller usurped US medicine, to not find a cure for cancer. While Rockefeller converted medicine to toxic chemicals and the knife, a homeopath treated himself and his family. Evil incarnate – quite literally.

    1. blank Woodshedding says:

      So true. The fact that you say that scientists have struggled to find effective and safe treatments completely, 100%, undermines your credibility. I shall now add Natural Society to my list of infiltrated organizations, not to be listened to under any circumstances.
      Also, it’s means “it is.” I’d say get a proofreader but I don’t care any more.

      1. blank Mark Evol says:

        He wrote : “Western science has struggled for over 100 year…., to NOT find a cure for cancer”

        1. blank Woodshedding says:

          I guess it wasn’t clear, I meant to address the author of the article, not the commenter “leaping lizard,” whose statement is entirely correct.

  2. blank Undecider says:

    The oncology researchers are not looking for a “cure.” They already know natural cures exist. What they are in search of is something synthetic they can create then patent.

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