1. Fresh Cauliflower has a remarkable flavor. My favorite recipe is to wash, break into small flowers, and add to Virgin Olive Oil, fresh chopped Garlic (I like LOTS of garlic) Sliced Onions and Saute. Sprinkle a little Sea Salt over the Onions as everything Sautes down and the Cauliflower will CARMELIZE and the Sweetness will come out…. almost better than Chocolate!
    Serve with Pasta, Yougert or by itself and is Delicious!

  2. I really like tandoori cauliflower baked in the oven. I also add it in my blended soups for creaminess (good substitute for milk). Thank you for reminding about the health benefits!

  3. blank Robert P. says:

    With so many delicious foods reducing cancers why then is cancer so prevalent? Cruciferous vegetables are believed to suppress the thyroid and olive oil is a potent producers of those nasty wee free radicals that are so damaging to the body. An acquaintance who liked broccoli and cauliflower and ate large quantities of it suffered from hypothyroidism; she increased her intake and ate more of those items raw. She died of cancer about two years later.

    1. Robert, the vegetables were NOT responsible for her cancer. And, by the way, it is important to note that eating ANY fruits and Veggies these days MUST be Organic or you are contaminating your body with GMO's, Chemicals and Toxins from Monsanto and scrambling your own DNA/RNA. To address your question directly, cancer is so prevalent these days BECAUSE of the environmental and food chain deterioration with these chemicals and toxins. ….we are eating "toxic "plastic" food… that which is no longer grown naturally from a bountiful earth. Instead the earth is now laden with deleterious chems that we INGEST and BREATH. I grew up in the 40's-50's when food chain was still PURE and food TASTED life food… If you want more info on how to keep your body WELL and in a HEALTHFUL Counterbalance, click my name and do some reading.

      1. blank Robert P. says:

        I grew up in the 30s and 40s and at 82 I am still in good fettle but seldom eat fruit or vegetables; my main diet consists of lashings of stakes and lots of saturated fat, a few potatoes often fried in dripping or covered in butter. I try to ramp-down on both poly and mono unsaturated fats and on carbohydrates, the latter which is a tad difficult. I do recall the pre WW2 years where gardens were used to grow vegetables and fruits but sadly today everything is either processed or in some manner interfered with. Your comment is appreciated.

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