1. blank Val Porter says:

    Cupping doesn’t “suck out” or get rid of cellulite. It breaks up the lumps so that it appears smoother…

    1. blank Carrie-Elaine Wiggins says:

      Actually cupping combined with cupping massage does significantly reduce the appearance of cellulite by using the suction and release to free toxins and create circulation. When combined with a healthy diet and exercise program the results are incredible. Cupping can be done at home and is very inexpensive. While recovering from an auto accident that caused total body atrophy I was introduced to cupping for pain relief. When I eventually began to exercise I had no muscle mass just fat and cellulite. I purchased an inexpensive set of cups for pain relief but ended up discovering the many benefits and they absolutely reduce the appearance of cellulite. I combined diet, exercise, dry brushing, apple cider vinegar and cupping and my legs looked better then before the accident only a littler larger for now! In fact, at my first yoga class the instructor said how do you have such gorgeous legs after being bed ridden for months! However a person who is severely overweight that does not exercise or eat right can not put a couple cups on and expect to look like a model. If cupping works for Olympic athletes they work in some way shape or form so for a minimal investimate the results are incredible! I used apple cider vinegar to get rid of any sun spot, melasia and uneven skin tone and the dry brushing helped with skin tone and circulation. They are all cheap so worth trying I was amazed at the results!

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