1. An interesting read………we need to united and hold our ground beekeepers of the world.

    1. Please read my 2006 youtube profile
      concerning DEPLETED URANIUM and BEES
      Why there are no decent test done
      with DU versus generation neonicotinoid
      next place a like on my song

  2. blank larry thorngren says:

    Bumble Beesand other wild pollinators get killed by these pesticides as well. It is time for the EPA to stand up to the pesticide manufacturers.

  3. blank Ova luethye says:

    Save my friends, the bees, save ourselves!

  4. blank Ova luethye says:

    Save my friends, the bees, save ourselves!

  5. blank Robert P. says:

    A year ago I saw one honey bee in the garden and in the local countryside and this year none so far. I find it sad that mankind is so ruthless to nature in the interest solely of profit. I often wonder if the spraying of the skies has a connection to the bees demise. See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiG-rKVBI3s

  6. Well now they just need to teach the bees to read the label.

  7. PS Just ban the stuff. They did in many European countries.

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