1. Excellent article and vid… looking forward to more. Perhaps a weekly recap of some more like this?


  2. blank Anonymous says:

    GMOs are behind a large number of diseases. Avoiding is a must.

  3. blank Jonathan Knight says:

    Thanks for the info Anthony. Learn about Zucchini,Yellow squash, and you made me remember that I forgot sugar beats. It's just disgusting all the processed food has Soy, Soy letch, or Soy oil or Corn, Corn starch, Corn Flour etc. I ran the the nuts section of CVS said good something to eat looked on the back Cotton oil! What!!!! All Process foods are coated with some GMO crap. I swear their trying to poison us. Just look for yourselves 98% has some GMO in it! I go to buy frozen microwavable Brussels sprouts Green Giant they put Corn starch in it WHY!!! EVERYTHING Candy Bars SOY Letch and every thing else. Whole foods and Traders Joe's Kroger organic section there I'll stay. PS don't get sucker with "Natural" I bought "Natural" microwavable popcorn at Kroger. It was dripping in GMO SOY OIL!!! Threw it out nasty tasting stuff made me check the label SOY OIL!!!

    1. Thanks a lot for the support, Jonathan! Glad that our videos are helping you to enhance your health and spread the information to others. Keep up the great work!


  4. Thx so much your information. It is very helpful.

  5. That PLU misinfo has been debunked long ago. That is akin to labeling which is illegal in the US.

  6. Thank you for the Educations! It is so vital for all of us, to know about GMOs! Nearly every thing we buy, is laced with products who are treated with them! I safe all Seeds from my home grown Veggies, to maintain a good source and keep them for next year planting ..and share! I guess, the only way to succeed!

  7. thank you for the article,, but please dont forget that they can say organic but be GMO,, organic means that they do not use herbicides or pesticides but it never says not GMO,, only if it says GMO project certified,, or GMO free,, otherwise you can be in for lots of trouble. Good companies have been bought out by criminal ones and its hard to tell what they are doing.

    I had to laugh as I read the other day that on Romneys jet he has nothing but healthy food,, he has Kashi cereals,, that is where I laughed and laughed as Kashi was just busted for using GMO crap in their food,, so eat up Romney, maybe someone does not like him very much so they sneak that crap in. And dont forget that Obama would not eat GMO or feed it to his kids,, I bet they used to but they dont anymore.

    Thanks for the information,, Have a great day!!

  8. Amazing information! Thanks for doing the research and keeping us informed.

    Thanks also to Kristie for enlightening us on "organic" but not necessarily GMO free!

  9. blank Euseideusfalou says:

    This is what is coming up! Total obrlitaration of any food supply but first they have to modify the present food, but as they gain some "camp' then they will go on to the next phase which is pills …yes, you will have a meal thru pills. It will not be as satisfying but will provide enough for you to live. Like remember when water was good? and now many making money out of sale bottle of water…by the way, chemtrails has aluminun which they don't know the outcome but is an attempt to control (the first intent was to control weather? ha) has dna which attach to another being and make it subject to transformation…unaware? go youtube and check for chemtrails conferences.

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