Arthritis: Almost Always Caused By What We Eat And Drink

Like so many ailments and diseases, medical science has ignored the true causes of arthritis for decades. Each of the major types of arthritis have been shown to have similar etiologies. It has also been postulated that Rheumatoid arthritis, Allergic arthritis, and Osteoarthritis can have similar triggers, specifically food triggers.
Allergic arthritis, in particular, has been proven to have various trigger foods which sustain the medical condition as long as those foods are eaten. Nightshades, for instance, have been demonstrated by Dr. Norman Childers to be a common culprit for those who are allergic, intolerant, or hyper-reactive to solanine, a known natural food toxin.
“Solanine is a glycoalkaloid poison found in species of the nightshade family (Solanaceae), such as the potato (Solanum tuberosum) and the tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) … Solanine has fungicidal and pesticidal properties, and it is one of the plant’s natural defenses.” (Source: Wikipedia – Solanine)
Because all nightshades (e.g. potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, paprika) contain solanine, if an individual ingests a large amount of these foods on a regular basis, they run the risk of developing a case of arthritis-like symptoms.
“Because of our long-term and widespread exposure to an extraordinary amount of pesticides over decades, our bodies have a markedly diminished capacity to process them appropriately, especially due to overloading the detoxification pathways in the liver, the body’s main detox organ. Think about the exposure that you have had throughout your life to insecticide-laden food. Now throw into this mix a daily consumption of potatoes, tomatoes, and/or peppers. Some have suggested that these three vegetables have remained in the top five vegetables eaten by Americans for the past four to five decades.”
(Source: Nightshades … can produce your worst Nightmare!)
Read: 6 Foods and Herbs for Arthritis and Other Inflammatory Pain
The real problem with this not well known, diet-induced form of arthritis is that the nation’s food supply is already contaminated with various types of insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, and other pesticides. Eating a diet that has high amounts of these solanine contaminants will eventually reach a point where the body is less capable of processing them.
Upon exceeding their unique threshold of tolerance, individuals who have a genetic predisposition or who reach a certain toxic burden, can develop a full-blown case of arthritis.
Anyone who has lifelong arthritic joints or pains would be well served by not eating any nightshades for at least 30 days. If their symptoms are significantly mitigated, then it can be safely assumed that the Solanaceae family foods ought to be avoided in the future. Complete abstinence from nightshades, for those who have this form of allergic arthritis, can actually reverse serious arthritic symptoms.
Other foods, especially when eaten in excess, can also cause allergic arthritis.
Who has’t heard about the many other foods which are capable of triggering food-induced allergies? Dairy, eggs, soy, corn, peanuts, wheat, shellfish, and citrus are the most common food allergens. A lifetime of eating any one of these foods can induce arthritis symptoms, if the body develops a chronic allergic or inflammatory response to any of the offending food components.
The more regularly these foods are eaten and the greater the amount that is eaten, by an individual who develops a full-blown allergic response, the greater the likelihood arthritis may be experienced.
With age often comes a diminishment of digestive capacity. The large undigested proteins, which can accumulate in the joints and cause joint pain, will pass through the attenuated membranes in the gastrointestinal tract which have been inflamed by eating allergenic foods. Therefore, the key to alleviating arthritis is maintaining a healthy digestive tract. An organic wholesome diet free of allergenic foods will especially assist in this endeavor.
I have that same problem when I ate so much potatoes, and my knee joint started to have that grinding joint pain as I tried to walk, then I quit eating those potatoes, and about few days later, my joint pain has stop.
My family and I have arthritic events related to consuming any BT corn products, namely current GMO’d BT corn (including all the high fructose corn syrup in so many different ingredients). I even tried a regular milk since I didnt have organic milk where I was at and I paid for it after that. I really dont need a study or evidence to experience every time when I consume certain things I get ailments – that not too long ago before they GMO’d everything I used to get no ailments. Even though this article is on potatoes and tomatoes, and peppers and not GMO’d products, it is still important to know what we consume and make educated choices what is in our food. I was unaware of glycoalkoloids effects on people until I read this article. Not really sure of the lifetime exposure angle since unless it deposits in the body, the excretion properties of most entities in the body are first order kinetics and are considered out of the body in 5 half lifes.
I understand that about how certain foods causing arthritis. Like my mother has a arthritis on her both knees from drinking those soft drinks with Nutra-Sweet that contain aspartame, almost all her life. so later on, she come down with a symptoms of arthritis and cognitive problem of where she couldn’t think right. I also know a guy who told me about his mother had her both knees replace with artificial knee joints, it was from drinking so much diet sodas that contain Nutra-Sweet, he said that stuff ate up her cartilage. I found out the aspartame is really made from GMO Ecoli bacteria to make a flavor of sweetness, and that is the stuff that eats a brain tissues to form a lots of microscopic holes in the patient’s brains, and causing Alzheimer’s disease.
Arthritis symptoms can also be caused by pathogens (like with Lyme) and deficiencies such as sulfur, vitamin D, or magnesium. A sulfur deficiency should be suspected if the person has amalgam fillings, as mercury can bind to sulfur and make it unavailable to the body. High-quality MSM can be supplemented for sulfur. Many people are deficient in vitamin D and magnesium. Serum testing for magnesium is kinda worthless since magnesium is needed/present almost everywhere in the body–not just the blood. Better to go by deficiency symptoms.
Solinine a natural defense? Doesn’t seem to be working does it?