1. Thank you for this article. I haven't even got a gut feeling that antibiotics can have a hazardous effect on one's mental health.

  2. I was just given an antibiotic for pre surgery called Levofloxacin. to take ea. day for 14 days before surgery. I took it for 3 days and could barely get out of bed and everybone in my body hurt and really depressed. I stopped it and called the pharmacist. she said to stop immediately and call the Dr. It was sunday so I left a msg. on what to do. It is tues afternoon and not one word from him! (I read the side affects and this product could cripple for life or even death. I can't believe that ANY dr. would go along with this sort of thing! Obviously this surgery will not happen as scheduled. I am not sure if the damage is permanent or will go away. too soon to tell I guess.

  3. blank Boala Lyme says:

    This article should be read by 1 billion people world-wide.

    The cure is in the nature.

  4. please clarify – it mentions a few times that it is 'permanent damage' to the healthy bacteria in the gut … but doesn't explain, and then says you can put more back in … does this mean it is permanent but reversible (aka not permanent) or what do you mean?

  5. I was on antibiotics for 6 months which striped the walls of my colin,and tore up my stomach.An old family dr.told me to take metamusil and 8oz. plain yogurt daily. In 6 months I was good as new,and still follow that regimine . IT WORKS

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