Shock: Genetically Modified Rice Trial Reports 3 Times Higher Leukemia Risk

It appears that an alleged illegal GM rice trial on University students in China has led to an incidence rate of acute leukemia of up to 3 times the normal rate in the country. Following the alleged GM rice trial, it was discovered from the Huazhong Agricultural University that ‘over 10 students now have leukemia within a 4-year period.’
The students claim that:
“When we entered the University, the school required all students to promote genetic modification (GM), upon entering the University, our teacher told us that the rice used by our canteen is GM rice from the university’s experimental base.”
Normally, leukemia among young adults in China is about 2 to 3 cases per 100,000 people. In the case of the students claiming to be fed GMO rice at the University’s base, the rate is at least three times higher. Seven students are on record now as having developed the disease.
These accusations are corroborated by a study conducted by Brazilian researchers, one which showed that Bt toxins found in GM rice are toxic to the blood of mice and cause red blood cells to rupture.
“Hematotoxicity of Bacillus thuringiensis as spore-crystal strains Cry1Aa, Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac, or Cry2Aa in Swiss albino mice” suggests there could be a link between Bt toxins and leukemia.
Chen I-wan, an Advisor to the Committee of Disaster History to the China Disaster Prevention Association, suggested Thursday that:
“The Supreme People’s Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, the National People’s Congress and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) should jointly organize a working team to enter the Huazhong Agricultural University and investigate if Zhang Qi-fa, the chief developer of Chinese GM Bt rice, influenced the University to feed GM Bt rice to the students on a regular basis, and if the fact that the leukemia incidence rate of the students at the Huazhong Agricultural University is about three times the normal incidence rate. And, if this is basically verified, then they should sue those responsible with public prosecution based on “endangering public security by dangerous means!””
The University Students’ accusations come on the heels of a CCTV report last month, which revealed that unapproved GMO Rice was discovered in two southern China provinces.
Leukemia, is truly an immune deficiency disease, so I would have to question how much sugars, cokes, fast foods, processed foods and such, made up the rest of their diet(s).
There is no doubt that China is one of the most polluted countries in the world and rice is one of the most absorbable plants that takes in what it finds in the soil. So I am surprised that there are ‘only’ 2 to 3 cases per 100,000 people coming down with this problem.
“So I am surprised that there are ‘only’ 2 to 3 cases…”
Yeah, I’m surprised too that they are so apparently healthy that they can withstand being one of the most polluted countries in the world and the poison of Monsanto.