1. blank Frank R Nelson says:

    That’s good but keep a close eye on the politicians and the fine print of the deal. They may try to sneak something pass which doesn’t really make it as good as it should be. Etc.

  2. blank Cindy Koch says:

    And we can only guess how many yrs. they’ll give themselves to do this! It has to happen soon or everything will be contaminated!

    1. blank Peter R Mare says:

      It is too late, already. Obama made sure of this when he hired an ex-VP Monsanto to head the Codex Harmonized FDA. This is the same Monsanto that Hillary campaign is run by. What this means is that if Bernie does not get the nomination we must vote for Donald. If Donald does not get the nomination we have to hope for Rand Paul. He is for decriminalization of Marijuana. If Rand does not get nomination we have to vote for Jill Stein Green party. Bernie must go on attack the next time. No more Mr Nice Guy.

      1. excellent point on BHOs FDA pick ? How many will admit they voted for this guy and were lied to at least as bad as any other, mazbe more ?

  3. So, do you think Hilary Dillary will change her views on GMO’s? I think not. She gets to much money from the biotech corporations. Go Bernie!!!

    1. of course she won’t , that does not mean Bernie is not full of rhetoric either ? no matter how you slice it socialism is taking from one and giving to another whether they produce anything or not ? That simply does not work and you can look at Sweden and Denmark for proof. If you think they are not in serious dire straights just as we are you are only in denial. Simply put we cannot have more takers than producers , simple as that. I fully realize the uber wealthy are also out of control and obscene and quite criminally insane

  4. blank UnbridledLogic says:

    Seems reasonable enough. More transparency in regulations and in the industry in general would likely help dispel many of the myths surrounding GMOs.

  5. blank Sue Hogan says:

    Didn’t Obama promise his administration would be transparent? Nothing will happen, they are bought and paid for by the bio tech companies.

  6. blank Greg Svensson says:

    You can´t trust GMObama, who was elected 2006 with the clear promise to label GMO, and nothing have happend (Well, something has happend; laws to protect Monsanto)
    And at page nine in TPP/TAA in the congress (the FastFrack without debate that give the president to deliver a deal the congress can say just yes or no to); there you can read that labeling about technichs (as biotech) not will be allowed as it interfere om tha trade – so Obama use TPP not only as an agreement to other countries but also as a method to make Vermonts and other labelling laws illegal.

    Dont trust the Obama administration who recently got Michael Taylor again on FDA.

  7. When Obama appointed Vilcheck, from Monsanto to head the Dept. of Agriculture, we could see the writing on the wall… don´t hold your breath, inundate them with letters and info.

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