1. These article never tell you how much to take.
    How much pineapple does one need to eat?
    How many bananas?

  2. I am 37. My problem is that I can't sleep ,not even4 hour I don't want to take any. Kind of. Sleeping pill pl tell me what to do

  3. Yeah, you’re not going to get very far with some of these articles.
    Things that help me sleep:
    Comfort – no binding pj’s, the right bed (not too soft or too firm).
    A bit of food in my belly. A touch of sweetness, like a donut hole not a snickers bar, helps to sleep. Also a warm drink.
    No alcohol – it irritates the nervous system and will wake you up in the middle of the night.
    Ear plugs – keeps noises muted. Also white noise like a fan or something – not too loud.
    Clearing your mind. Your problems will be still there in the morning, and you can’t do anything about them from your bed, so let them go. Put them next to your toothbrush when you go to bed, and pick them up the next morning.
    Caffeine or similar after about 2 in the afternoon will keep me up. A soda at lunch, but not during afternoon break, after work, or with dinner.
    See, look. I already came up with five. What a loser article. But I bet they won’t lose too much sleep over lack of creativity.

    1. Most sound legit and obvious, but a donut & soda??? Pal-ease!

    2. blank Gina Pocan says:

      Yeah, if the donut and soda are putting you to sleep, maybe you should consider having your sugar monitored. I’m a diabetic, and sugar knocks me out. but it doesn’t necessarily keep me asleep. Sugar usually will put most diabetics asleep. The sugar spike is what does it, but it’s not healthy.

  4. it’s easy, just eat more than your stomach can hold. That should do it! 🙂 jk

  5. We need something called Serotonin to live during the day.
    Every night, the serotonin you still have left during the day will turn into melatonin
    The sun is the BEST sources of serotonin.
    If your able to get at least one hour of sun a day you ensure a good nights sleep.
    Your serotonin will transform into melatonin.
    1 hour of direct or indirect sunlight .

  6. blank CEDRICWARD says:

    a sleep mask to block out all light sources works very well for me, and I have a terrible time sleeping for more than two hours at a time. All the small lights on your tech devices and alarm clocks, etc. prevent you from sleeping. I can even fall asleep with the TV on if I set the sleep timer and use a sleep mask, and I drink coffee all hours of the day, but I also eat all the proper foods and have cut out wheat and high fructose corn syrup to the degree possible. I cook everything from scratch, no processed or packaged foods and avoid all GMO foods possible.

  7. Just eat more. There is no dose that will put you to sleep. Just include these foods in your diet on a regular basis to promote melatonin production.

    1. blank Ontologix Pontifex minimus says:

      Pineapple juice is available in many supermarkets.

  8. blank Jose Quezada says:

    don’t exercise 3 hours before going to bed, make sure your room is a good temperature not to hot and not to cold, make sure you get some sunlight during the day, make sure that you don’t eat food before you sleep, at least 4 hours before is best. make sure you don’t drink coffee or things with caffeine before you go to bed. Make sure you get Breath Easy strips and place them on your nose if you have a hard time breathing, this will open up your airways to get good breathing while you sleep. Make sure that the lights are out or get a mask for your eyes. You can take a nice bath or shower before going to bed. Do some outdoor breathing, get some good fresh air, take 30 s l o w deep breaths breath in hold it for 3 seconds let it out for 3 seconds this will ensure that you have good oxygen in your system and this promotes good digestion and good sleep.

  9. now wait you said sea salt makes you stay awake then next sentcance said it helps you fall asleep it can’t do both !! confused 🙁

  10. blank Mary Gounsolin says:

    THE most effective food that melatonin is found in is missing from this. Makes the whole article a bit suspect.

    1. blank Crouton Guy says:

      What food is that?

        1. blank Ontologix Pontifex minimus says:

          Wrong. Tart cherries.

    2. Just because one food isn’t there, makes the whole article suspect? I suspect you may be from BigPharma, opposing any natural remedy to anything?!

  11. blank Lois Hoffer says:

    Try magnesium supplements!

    1. I’d opt for magnesium rich foods.

  12. blank ANI Support Group says:

    Useless article. Why bother. There are a lot more foods than this and no other info!


  14. blank Carole Mcclelland says:

    I suffer chronic insomnia. I go to pilates tai chi yogà x2 weekly each class. I walk 10 000 steps daily. U take chelated magnesium daily tried meditation sleep

  15. blank Ontologix Pontifex minimus says:

    Two circumstances can improve your sleep: a loving partner beside you after good sex, alternatively two sauna sessions followed by cold showers.

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