1. STOP buying corn.
    I was in a grocery store recently when a friend was buying corn on the cob. After explaining to him how the corn was genetically modified, he didn’t buy any and told me that he didn’t realize that most corn was genetically modified and the implications to his and his family’s health. He wondered if all the cancer in his family was due to the fact that his family had been buying genetically modified foods??
    Most people don’t realize that corn is pretty well ALL genetically modified, and people should be educated.
    In the meantime, anyone who knows this fact, should NOT buy this garbage and spread the word. People buying genetically modified foods will pay the price with their health later.

  2. blank hisrascal says:

    Where’s it all gonna stop? Or is it? How are we ever going to make it through the grocery stores these days, with all the things we need to be looking for and a lot of the information we need to make an informed decision isn’t even available to a lot of us? Do you think the people at Monsanto and others in “the know” eat the crap that they’re trying to sell us? Very informative article by the way!

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