1. Celery can be grown in the same way. Remove the outer stalks down to the core, leaving a few smaller stalks intact. I started the celery in water first, as it was winter, and, sure enough it sprouted new leaves. When it got warmer outside, I put t in the garden and now I have a HUGE celery plant that I pick a few stalks off of at a time. Works great and the celery is SO much greener and crunchier.

  2. blank darkanser says:

    I’ve grown pineapples in this manner for years. They usually don’t grown as large as the store-bought original but they are tasty.

  3. I love organically grown potatoes and have been growing them for a few years now. Plus I grow a variety of 10 other vegetable in my backyard garden.
    I have found that quite a few people even some of the experts over complicate organic gardening when it is much easier to keep it simple, this saves so much time and money…
    The guy I follow is an environmental scientist who has developed his own organic gardening system.
    Andrew Davies
    Chapel Hill

  4. You cannot grow your own avocado tree unless you live in zone 10 or above. Avocados grown from seed may take up to 10 years to produce, or may not produce at all.

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