5 Parasites that Could Be Making You Sick

When it comes to an upset stomach or digestive problems, there are numerous potential culprits. The simplest explanations are those you should examine first: something you ate, a viral infection, or something you should be eating. But, when you are having symptoms that don’t seem to get better, your body could be fighting parasites. Below are 5 parasites you could be dealing with, as well as some solutions.
Some say that about one-in-three Americans has some form of intestinal parasites, though 90% of people could be battling some type of internal harmful organism. Usually, your body manages to keep them under control, but sometimes unexplained symptoms could be a sign that you need to do something more.
Warning signs that you may have parasites include:
- Cramping and abdominal pain
- Itching around the anus
- Changes in frequency or consistency of bowel movements
- Chronic exhaustion
- Unexplained weight loss of at least 10 pounds in 2 months
There are numerous ways to rid your body of intestinal parasite. You could utilize oil of oregano to clean your insides, activated charcoal, papaya leaf extract, or even garlic. If you’re looking for a product to take care of the issue, Dr. Edward Group’s Paratrex parasite cleanse is a great product to try.
Here are 5 parasites that could be making you sick:
- 1. Hookworm – Contracted by walking barefoot on contaminated soil, hookworms used to be a major problem in the U.S., particularly in the southeast. While not at the level it once was, hookworms still exist and can start with an itchy rash at the site of entrance. Further symptoms include nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, flatulence, and vomiting.
- 2. Trichinella – This is a microscopic parasite contracted by eating raw or undercooked meat of infected animals. Over the course of a week, an infection can go from diarrhea and cramping to high fever, swelling of the eyelids, pink eye, and light sensitivity.
- 3. Pinworm – Most common in children, pinworms manifest as itching around the anus. This is because they may exit the body there after an incubation period of one to two months. This worm’s eggs can be carried on hands, toys, bedding and toilet seats, but must be ingested to cause infection.
- 4. Dientamoeba Fragilis – Dientamoeba fragilis is a smaller parasite that thrives in the large ingesting. It is likely spread through oral contact with infected feces. Symptoms include diarrhea, abdominal pain, greenish-brown and watery stools, as well as weight loss, nausea, and vomiting.
- 5. Ascariasis Roundworm – These are the most common parasitic worm infections around the world. They are acquired through ingesting the eggs found in fecal matter, soil food, and water. Symptoms include loss of appetite, shortness of breath, cough (sometimes containing worms), and eggs or worms in the stool.
“parasite that thrives in the large ingesting”
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