1. Who has time for this, cant you recommend commercial products that are safe and inexpensive.

    1. blank Susan Bradanini Betz says:

      Agree–I have no time, so I use stuff straight out of the bottle: coconut, olive, grapeseed, or almond oil or vegetable glycerin for moisturizer; apple vinegar as hair rinse; baking soda for shampoo or face scrub (use it REAL gently so not to irritate your skin); etc., etc. I also “dye” my hair with tea and/or beet juice. For the hair dye, don’t rinse as instructed on websites; leave it in for more color. What other people consider “inexpensive” is expensive to me, and I’ve found every commercial product costs too much for my budget.

  2. Your URINE will do all of the above n it is FREE~~anti bacterial anti fungal anti viral–natural detergent moisturizer..i have not used shampoo in 6 months~~

  3. Nice Post Christina,
    It’s very effective for each and every complexion. Yes, I have the same opinion.
    I use coconut oil with other things to help out manage my skin tone, and it
    works well. I make sure to use natural etc.

  4. what about fresh cucumbers for the face? as moisturizers ?

  5. What’s good for uneven skin tone?

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